The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1




Crammed full of
inte restingmachines
–morethan400 in
total–the museum
is ope ndailyfrom
Miller Museum isat
Bashley,New Milton,
HampshireB25 5SZ
Tel01425 620777 or

A fittingcelebration

The Rickman Enthusiasts’ Day,held at the SammyMiller Museum on June 23,

brought an eclecticrangeofmachinery and people together.

Wordsand photographs:JAMESROBINSON

on andDerekRickman, motocrossroyalty
and innovativemanufacturers ofmany
products,wereonhand towitnesswhat
wasthe biggestattendance in nineyears at theSammy
Miller Museum foraday celebratingthe products that
theymade.And,fittingly,standingand lookingfromthe
museum,int he rightdirection, itwaspossible tosee
wheretheir old premiseswere,too.
Thebrothers not onlyhad theirbusinessnearby,
theyalsogrewupinNew Milton, wheretheir father
Ernie,aformerSouthampton Speedway rider,had
acar servicingand repair centre. Derekwas born in
1933,Donin1935.Though Ernie diedtragicallyyoung
in 1948, theboys’mother,Marjorie,kept the family
At ayoung age, both brotherswere ridinginoff-road
competition–and winning. Butbythe end of the 1950s,
they’drecognised that the ubiquitousBSAGold Star was
nearingthe end of its days andbespoke machineswere
the feature. Enter thefirst RickmanMetisse.
During the 1960s,thereweremanyRickman
motorcyclesbuilt,for allmanner of uses–but

motocrosswas the bread andbutter,with tarmaccircuit
racingand road riders alsocatered for.Manyofthese
machin es were congregated in the forecourt of the
Miller Museum.
Mr Miller himselfwasinonthe act too,wheelingout
aTriumph-poweredroad Metisse and alsoaRickman
Zundapp, the latter with only 17 miles on theclock
from new.
Trophieswere awarde dinseven categories,with Don
and Derekcarryingout the presentinghonours.With
morethan80examples of themachines theybuilt and
inspired in attendance,it’sreckonedtobethe largest
Peoplehadtravelledtoo,with California-based John
Crainmanagingtocombineattendancewith abusiness
trip toMoscow,while DavidBruce droveall theway
down fromJohn O’Groats.
Donand Derek’schosen charities,HampshireAir
Ambulance andOakhaven Hospice,benefitedtothe
tune ofa£1000 donation.
Theevent is alreadyscheduledfor nextyear –soput
June 21, 2020 inyour diaries.

ii n|n Enthusiasts’ Day
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