The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1

The first five years

Since its inception in 1947, the Motocross des Nations has been held annuallywith the
72ndevent run atRedBud in the US in 2018. During its lifetime, theevent title has been

anglicised and theformat manipulated. Here,we look at the inaugural quintet ofevents.


fter theSecondWorld War,
(KNMV, so theRoyal Dutch
MotorCyclists Union, akaTheDutch
Federation)floate dthe idea ofamotocross
even tfor te ams from competingnations,
with atrophyfor thewinningteam.Although
until into the 1960s theUK favoured the term
‘scrambles’, thesamewasn’ttrueelsewhere,
hence thename Motocross desNations
(MXDN) from thestart. Some observers
refer to the competition as the‘Olympics of
motocross’orvaria ntsonthis theme and

differen tspellingsfor ‘motocross’havebeen
employed, including ‘moto-cross’,but here
we will stickwith motocross.
From its inception theMXDNwas
intendedasacompetition forup to500cc
machinesand alth ough therewas some
manipulation of eventorganisation, this
basic conceptwasfollo wed until 1984, when
it wasamalgamated with th eTrophée des
Nations (upto 250c c) and Coupedes Nations
(125cc) –previously thesethree eventshad
beenstaged separately. After amalgamation,
therewas just asingle event, with each team
comprising arider ofeach clas s.

Youthstreamwas awarde dall the
promotionalrights forthe World Motocross
GP in 20 04 andthenameMotocrossdes
Nationswasanglicised to Motocross of
Nations(MXON).Youthstr eam’sofficial
websiteexplains:“Youths treamisthe
company that manages exclusive television,
marketingand promotionalworldwiderights
of th eFIM MotocrossWorld Championship,
the FIMMotocross ofNations,the FIM
Women’sMotocross World Championship,
the FIMVeterans’Motocross World Cup, the
FIM Junior MotocrossWorld Championship,
the FIMSnowcross WorldChampionship,the

RJ Scovell powers alon gon
his BSAin1949. Notethe
aftermarketrear susp ension.


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