The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1
revolvewith thebearinginnerrace.
8:It ispossiblethecentralbossonsome
platesis relievedtoallowtheshield
tostayinplace,Idon’t knowifthat
is thecase.Perhapsareaderdoes.




easywith aqdhub andisessentially one
bolt –orwheel spindleify ou prefer–and
adistancepiece to contendwith.Theidea
behindtheqdfeature wasless to dowith
the teamsin th eInternationalSixDaysTrial
needingspeedytyrechanging and more
to do with the conditionofthe roads in the
early partofthe 20th century.Macadamised
road buildin gwas common,butthe
addition of tar to the process wasnew and
not doneeverywhere. Addinthe factthat
horsetransportwas still common andnails
fromshoeswould be on theroads,isitany
wonderpunctureswere frequentand afast
methodoffixing them wasrequired?
With th etyreonand in place,the
clearancebetween theswinging armand
the widertyreinuse should be checked–it
is closeasthe swingingarm would normally
have to dealwith a17indiameter,3.5in wide
tyre, rather than the4.5in x18inendurotyre.
Clampingeverythin gupbroughttol ight an
issue–the wheelwouldn’t turn. Slackening

offagain,the wheel turned, so something
wasobviously nipping up.
In the partsbookfrommyearlies tforays
with unitTriumphsinthe 1980s, the
assembly of th erear hubinvolves shims, felt
seals andcirclipsfittinginthe brak edrum.
Theactualhubisfine andhadbeenmodded
slightly and theproblemwasthe vast cast
iron sprocket/drum.Ith as abearingin
it and intheold days itwould have hada
shield andaseal, butnow it hasasealed
bearin gand theold shieldserves asalocator,
butitdoesn’t need to seal greaseinthe
bearin g.Thebrake platehas aboss that sits
against thebearinginnerrace and, when
clampingup, it canstill spin. It looks as if
the brakeplate needed wouldhaveaslight
relief around theedgeofthe boss to letthe
main bi tsit on theinnerrace and theouter
bit togo over theshield.Thanks to theseal
on thebearing, theshieldcanbecut away
and serveasashimtolocatethe bearing
and,with ever ythingclamped up again,the

wheel span quite nicely.It isfiddly little
thingssuch as thisthat takeupalot of time
and it is something anyone attemptingsuch
abuild will have to contendwith.

Still needed
Something else to contendwith is there’s
never asmuch ofaproject asyou think
thereiswhenyou startout.Giventhe
alterations to the frame,therewas always
goingtobeahighlevel of time-consuming
design and make to accomplish.Asf or the
other parts,wheneverIvisi tanautojumble
latel ythereseems tobe nothingonthe stalls
Ineed.Somewherealongthe road Ineed
tofind an alloyrear guard, an oil tanktofit
in the frame,mudguardstays for thefront
and some handlebar clamps,footrests,a
kickstart, some rockboxcapsand other bits.
An exhaust systemwould be nicetoo.
If youhavesuch bits clutteringupyourshed,
thengetintouch and maybe we can
strike adeal.




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