The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1
Anyformofreforming damaged parts, whether
panel beating or as here, involvesa‘gently,
gently’ approach with manylight pressing
or beating actions and no heavy-handed big
thumps. With the taper applied, gentle, true
vertical taps withahammer will press the

tapered former into the opening to reform
its shape. It is possible to achieve the same
result usingavice, but, again, verygently; or
as we have the mandrel press, the brass taper
bosswasreformed with manylight, sharp
pressing actions.

It is possible to split damaged bosses, which
will wreck the item or makerepair harder.If
this isaworry,screwanut of appropriate
thread onto the boss, but in this case the
bosswasexternally misshapen too, so this

After cleaning paste
debris, the external
thread is cleaned
with an appropriate
die. With petrol pipe
fitted and tightened
in place, thefloat
bowl is refitted to
the carburettor.Then
check for leaks,
which can often be
resolvedby further
lapping in.

Turn asmall former with taper to match thefloat bowl petrol pipe
mounting from ½in mild steel rod.Yes, Iknow some won’thavealathe,
and in 1978 neither did I, so the taper formerwasmade by mounting a
shortlength of rod (cut down fromabolt) in an electric drill set atalow
speed and afile. Took some time (all morning in fact) and although it is
not an approach to recommend on safety grounds, it works.

With shape almost restored, the jobwasfinishedby grinding the taper
face with the former using valve seat gaining paste. This can be done
manually or withadrill at slow speed. If you have one,abench drill is
best option but, if not,acheap, variable speed hand-drill will work.

bench drill free.Autojumblebuys included
aweightymandrel (rack) pressfor £35,valve
seat grindingequipment, includingmany
new wheels (£200) andvalvegrindingtool
for £120. Andahugebox of puller sand
associate dtools –some of whichwe haven’t
aclue what role theyserve –werebought
for ameasl y£20 from an elderly friend
whowanted to declutter hisworkshop and
they’ve been brilliant.
Luckily, I’ve hadlotsofspannersand other
hand tools since childhood whenI‘nicked’
them from dad who often left themoutfor
me to take, and thenext generation has



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