The Classic MotorCycle – September 2019

(vip2019) #1
If longerflattened length required, workalong in stages and for large diameter tubeflattened in
stages, working along the length for each stage.Tedious–but it works.

Once happywithflattened work, measure, centre punch and drill
required hole or holes.Iuse athe bench drill for this and startby
makingasmall diameter guide hole withahard tip to prevent drill
wander,then workupdrill sizes to the^5 ⁄ 16 inch example here, or

whatever is required. Ifabench drill is unavailable, good results are
achievable withahand drill.File, linish or grind end to shape required
and complete dressing up.

This only works with small diameter (up to^5 ⁄ 8 inch/15mm) thickwall tube.
Forlarger sizes,filling with appropriate sand helps–dried seashore
sand isfine and dried silver sand works too.We’lllook at this technique

after my next trip to SunnyHunny(Hunstanton). It is of course possible
to bend steel pipe using plumbers’ type pipe bendersbut in my hands
these extrude andwaist the pipe, which looks obvious and unsightly.

Using either an oxyacetylene or butane torch withfineflame, heat the
tube radially in ¼in (7mm) lengths and bend in tinystages. The colder
regions either side of the cherry red ring created supportthe wall of
the heated area to prevent collapse while proceeding with the bending
exercise.Work along the piece in stages and takemore than one pass
along the worktocomplete the task.
This mayseem an amateur,tedious process. However,all bends

on the carrier of our (mywife’s) 1912 499 Curry-JAP were carried
out in ½in thickwall mild steel tube. Assemblywascompleted with
lugs machined on the lathe, with brazing to unite the lot, then lots of
dressing up withfiles and strips of emerycloth. Without intentionby us,
the machinewasawarded amajor concourstrophyin2018 (red faces
on our partaswedidn’tenter the concourspartoft he event) so the
carrier must have passed muster with the judges!

The following approach is intended for tubular
carriers, mudguard stays and the like, but for
safety reasons cannot be recommended for
frames or girder front forks. Unfortunately our
cupboard of bent, mangled carriersisbare,
leading to the contrived damage to newlength of
tube illustrated. But it serves to demonstrate the
type of repairscarried outby us in the past.

willingly paytheir share(in fact theycan’t
gettheir moneyout quickenough!) then
theycangetmetodoall thebrazing,welding,
bending, buttheydonowsweatout their
ownfasteners andbearings,soIguessthat’s
Thefollowing waseffectedwith items
from this motleyselection ofequipmentand
if youlikethe idea,wewill include morein



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