APC Australia - September 2019

(nextflipdebug2) #1
Drafts claims to be the quickest
way to capture ideas and tasks, and
it’s been a big hit on iOS.
It’s now available for Mac, letting
you create new notes (‘drafts’) in
several ways: you can click on the
menu bar icon to bring up the Drafts
pop-up; you can create a note in the
main app window; or you can
highlight an item in another app and
use the share sheet to send it to
Drafts. This option creates a new


A speedy way to create notes on your Mac.

Mac »Mac » APPSAPP

draft without switching into the
Drafts app. You can also create your
own keyboard shortcuts to send
whatever’s in your Mac’s clipboard to
the app as a new draft.
Drafts has automatic syntax
highlighting: Markdown (the default),
MultiMarkdown or GitHubMarkdown,
JavaScript, SimpleList, TaskPaper or
good old-fashioned plain text. You can
tag or flag notes as you go for easy
retrieval, and you can change the
formatting defaults. Navigation is
simple and effective, and there’s a
useful versioning tool that makes it
easy to browse different versions of a

The core app is free, but to unlock
some of the more advanced features
you’ll need to sign up for a Pro
subscription. This is cross-platform,
and it gives you extra widgets, more
sharing and capturing options, editor
themes, as well as multiple

workspaces. In iOS, the Pro version
can also create and edit Actions.
Actions are a key reason for Drafts’
iOS success, and they provide lots
of automation options for
manipulating notes and using them in
other apps. They aren’t currently
available for the Mac version, but the
Mac app does include the URL
schemes from its iOS counterpart.
These enable other apps to send data
to Drafts using URL callbacks; for
example, you can create a URL to
make a new draft or open a specific
one, replace characters or search for
particular content.
While full Actions support is
promised for later versions, the
current lack of it means that Drafts
on the Mac is considerably less
powerful than its iOS sibling and the
Pro subscription is considerably less
tempting. Nevertheless, Drafts on the
Mac is asolidandusefulnote-taking
app that’sgreatforcapturing ideas
quickly. Carrie Marshall

There are lots of customisation options, but themes are
limited and some are locked if you don’t have a Pro plan.

Drafts highlights syntax
for languages, including
JavaScript and Markdown.

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