Australian Men’s Fitness – September 2019

(Joyce) #1

You hit the gym consistenly, five days a week, fuelled by that pre-workout

that makes your fingers tingle and replenished by that post-workout shake

you were told would guarantee “serious gains”. You’re feeling good, looking

good, and lifting heavier than ever before. But then, suddenly, all that all

changes – or should I say, nothing changes. You’re not packing on any more

muscle and you’re not lifting any heavier weights. No matter how much time

and effort you put in, you just can’t make any changes. You, my friend, have

hit the dreaded plateau. But don’t cancel your gym membership and turn to

a lift-free life just yet. Help is at hand in the form of these simple strategies

for mixing up your routine and seeing progress once more.

It’s a tale as old as time

The maximum number of
weeks you should stick to
one training program. After
that, your body will adapt
and your muscles will
have it too easy.


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