Business Spotlight – Nr.6 2019

(Sean Pound) #1
FACTS & FIGURES 6/2019 Business Spotlight 27

affect sth. [E(fekt]
, Auswirkungen auf
etw. haben
badly [(bÄdli]
, hier: unbedingt
barley [(bA:li]
, Gerste
cereal crop [(sIEriEl krQp]
, Getreideart
debt [det] , Schulden;
hier auch: Verbindlichkeiten
[)edItEr In (tSi:f]
, Chefredakteur(in)
impose a tariff on sth.
[Im)pEUz E (tÄrIf]
, Zoll für etw. einführen,
imposition of tariffs
[)ImpE)zIS&n Ev (tÄrIfs]
, Verhängung von
outline sth. [(aUtlaIn]
, etw. darlegen, umreißen
resume sth. [ri(zju:m]
, etw. wieder aufnehmen
retaliate against sth.
[ri(tÄlieIt E)genst]
, Vergeltungsmaßnahmen
gegen etw. ergreifen
, Halbleiter
solar panel [)sEUlE (pÄn&l]
, Solarmodul
sorghum [(sO:gEm]
, Sorghum(hirse)
subject: be ~ to sth.
, etw. unterliegen
suspend sth. [sE(spend]
, etw. aussetzen,
tabloid [(tÄblOId]
, Boulevardzeitung
tariff [(tÄrIf]
, Zoll(gebühr)
tremendous [trE(mendEs]
, enorm, riesig

Research by
Eamonn Fitzgerald
■ https://howmuch.

Fotos: S. Alvinge, Bet_Noire, GodfriedEdelman, somchairakin, filo, spawns, erhui1979/; Evan El-Amin/; Bloomberg/Getty Images

April 2018: China retaliates
against the steel and aluminium
tariffs and imposes its own
tariffs on imports from the
USA of aluminium, pork, fruit
and various other products,
equivalent to the tariffs
imposed by President Trump.

June 2018: The US releases
a list of products that will be
subject to tariffs, including
semiconductors. In July, it
makes this threat real by
imposing tariffs on products
from China worth $34 billion.

July 2018: China responds by
imposing tariffs on products
from the US valued at $34

June 2019: China and America
agree to resume trade
talks, with President Trump
announcing he would suspend
an additional $300 billion
in tariffs, saying China had
agreed to buy a “tremendous
amount” of US farm products.

Who holds what?
The top seven holders of US debt (2019)

  1. China: $1,113 billion (17.3% of total)

  2. Japan: $1,064 billion (16.5%)

  3. Brazil: $307 billion (4.8%)

  4. United Kingdom: $301 billion (4.7%)

  5. Ireland: $270 billion (4.2%)

  6. Switzerland: $227 billion (3.5%)

  7. Luxembourg: $224 billion (3.5%)

A war of tweets

Donald Trump: “ wars are good,
and easy to win...”.
2 March 2018

Donald Trump: “I say openly to President Xi &
all of my many friends in China that China will
be hurt very badly if you don’t make a deal...”
Hu Xijin: “Trump talks too much. He has 13 March 2019
talked about imposing tariffs on $500 billion
of Chinese goods more than once...”
20 July 2018

Hu Xijin: “President Trump said China wants
to make a deal badly. I’d say yes, China wants
a deal. But we only want to make a fair deal.”
7 June 2019

Donald Trump is
the president of
the United States

Hu Xijin is editor-in-chief of the Chinese and
English editions of the Global Times. The Global
Times is a tabloid published by the People’s Daily,
an official newspaper of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of China.
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