Business Spotlight – Nr.6 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

Foto: privat; Illustrationen: one line man/


  1. Practise more (7 points)

Ben practises with a coach. In the feedback
below, the words in bold are not where they
should be. Put them where they belong.

A. Keep eye contact with the prompts
B. Don’t look at the aids.
C. Learn your introduction by audience
D. Write some bullet on small
E. Make the visual screen
F. Grab the audience’s heart
with a personal story.
G. Reduce the number of attention
points on each slide — or
choose just one dramatic image, one impres-
sive number or one inspiring quote on each
slide instead. Less is more!

  1. Pack your tools (9 points)

Complete these technology tips from Ben’s col-
leagues with the missing nouns. We’ve given
you the first three letters.

An international travel
(A) plu adapter is essential.
I have one with three (B) soc.
It also has an extra long extension
(C) cor so I can place my
laptop where I want!

Don’t forget your laptop (D) cha.
As I use a Mac, I always take my own VGA
adapter for the (E) pro , too.

The sound systems in conference rooms
aren’t always great. So, if you plan to show
a video or play audio, take your own
external (F) spe.

And take your own presentation remote
(G) con , too. I have one with a
laser pointer. Be sure to pack extra batteries.

I would save your slide
(H) dec as a PDF on a thumb
(I) dri and on the cloud — just in
case you have to use somebody else’s computer.

6/2019 Business Spotlight

Eye contact is
important: look
up, not down!

Ask for feedback from colleagues, attend a seminar or hire a
personal coach to give you professional support. If you don’t have
time to work with others, you should try to work more effectively
on your own. Record yourself — on video or audio — and be
honest when you watch or listen to your presentation. Practise to
be professional.

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