Business Spotlight – Nr.6 2019

(Sean Pound) #1
Business Spotlight 6/2019

Up to 17

Could do better
Maybe you don’t have to give
presentations in English on a
regular basis, but it is a useful
business skill to have. Try the
test again next week to see if
you can get a higher score.


That’s a fantastic result!
You clearly know which
techniques and phrases
to use to make a good
impression on your audience.
You’re a professional!


Well done!
Your knowledge of the
language of presentations
is very good. For your next
presentation, why don’t
you try to use some of the
vocabulary and techniques
we’ve presented here?


Not too bad, but you need
to practise more. Do the test
again to help you learn the
techniques and improve your



Note: So that you can
compare your language
knowledge across different
areas of business English,
all Business Spotlight tests
have a maximum possible
score of 50 points.


Illustrationen: one line man/


  1. Be prepared (8 points)

Ben uses certain phrases throughout his talk to
organize and keep control of his presentation
and the people in the room — right till the end.
Complete his favourite phrases with the cor-
rect forms of the verbs in brackets.

A. (move) on to our legal obliga-
tions now, I’ll start with a few important facts.
B. Let’s (turn) now to the feed-
back from our managers.
C. (go) back for a moment to the
results on our graph, I’d like to focus on the
significance of one number: 30.
D. Would you mind (repeat) the
E. Can I (come) back to that at
the end?
F. Before (talk) you through the
results, I’d like to ask you all a question.
G. If you don’t mind, I’d prefer
(deal) with that question later.
H. So, that (bring) me to the end
of my presentation. Any other questions?


  1. Practise more
    A. audience = Zuhörer(innen)
    B. screen = Bildschirm; Leinwand
    C. heart (by heart = auswendig)
    D. prompts = Stichwörter
    E. aids (visual aid = Anschauungs-
    material, grafische Darstellung)
    F. attention (grab sb.’s attention
    ifml. = jmds. Aufmerksamkeit
    G. bullet (bullet point =

  2. Pack your tools
    A. plug (plug adapter
    = Adapterstecker)
    B. sockets = Steckbuchsen, -dosen
    C. cord (extension cord
    = Verlängerungskabel)
    D. charger = Ladegerät
    E. projector = Beamer
    F. speakers = Lautsprecher-
    G. control (remote control
    = Fernbedienung)
    H. deck (slide deck
    = Präsentationsfolien)
    I. drive (thumb drive
    = USB-Stick)

  3. Introduce yourself
    A–3; B–6; C–2; D–5; E–1; F–4

  4. Engage with everyone
    A. Where would you
    rather be right now?
    B. What if I told you that we could?
    C. I’m sure you’ll all agree with me.
    D. As you know all too well.
    E. Would you like to learn how we
    went about it?
    5. Structure it well
    A. show
    B. move
    C. look
    D. give
    E. spend
    F. say
    G. outline = (kurz) darstellen,
    H. take = hier: dauern
    I. interrupt
    6. Maximize and emphasize
    A. much, even, far
    B. strongly, fully, honestly
    C. main, especially, particular
    D. above, addition, instance
    E. draw, shows, notice
    F. hand, other, contrary
    7. Be prepared
    A. Moving (move on to sth.
    = zu etw. übergehen)
    B. turn (turn to sth.
    = sich etw. zuwenden)
    C. Going
    D. repeating
    E. come
    F. talking (talk sb. through sth.
    = etw. mit jmdm. durchgehen)
    G. to deal
    H. brings

Keep your presentations short rather than too long. Never add information just
to fill time. Everything you say should be interesting, relevant and perfectly
timed. No one will complain if you finish early. Get the timing right.

Get ready: the
key to success is
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