
(Nandana) #1


december 2018 / january 2019

Modify Parivrtta Trikonasana if necessary

to find safe alignment in your body.

Turn your effort

Mobility and stability have to coexist
in twists. If you don’t create a stable foundation
in your legs, there won’t be anything solid
to press your torso, hands, or arms against,
and turning will become ineffectual. On the
other hand, if you’re too rigid, you’ll lose
the possibility of opening in the pose. Effort
must be exerted to bring freedom—effort to
achieve effortlessness. Twists also provide the
opportunity to practice non-reactivity—the
ability to put space around impulses. When you
find yourself in a tight spot, knotted, or just plain
stuck, remember to breathe, stabilize, and find a
way to create more freedom.

If you struggle
to maintain your

balance ...

TRY placing the outside edge
of your back heel against a
wall to help with stability. This
will offer you something to
press into and extend away
from—thereby helping you
bring stability to your legs and
firmness to your hips. This
modification is a good way to
get a sense of direction. It can
assist with the alignment of
your spine, helping your head
and tailbone to stay in line as
your torso rotates around this
center axis.

If you have sensitivity in your lower back ...
TRY a variation of the pose with your top hand against a wall. Set the long
edge of your mat along the wall, and with your back to the wall, stand in
the center of your mat. Taking a wider stance, spread your feet about 4
feet wide. As you turn into the pose, place your bottom hand on the floor
(or a block) with your upper hand on the wall, elbow bent. If you feel
comfortable in your back, exhale, and stretch down through your bottom
arm. Expand your chest, and use your top arm to push into the wall,
which will help mobilize your ribs as you rotate

If your hamstrings are tight or
it’s difficult to reach the floor ...
TRY placing a block beside your front foot (near the arch) and bringing
your bottom hand to the block. The rotation won’t be as complete, but
this modification will allow you to remain light and lifted, gaining access
to the extension and rotation of your torso.
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