Daily Mail - 19.08.2019

(lily) #1
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joins tHe

House of


... or why, as she stars as

The Crown’s Princess Margaret,

it’s the role Bonham Carter

was born to play

QQQ Daily Mail, Monday, August 19, 2019

Screen siblings: Helena as Princess Margaret
and Olivia Colman as the Queen in The Crown

heartbreaks. ALISON BOSHOFF has
the story of the ties that bind...


Princess Margaret’s heart-
break over group captain Peter
townsend — the married equerry
whose love she had to renounce —
is well known.
Helena Bonham carter has also
had cause to bitterly regret her
entanglement in her 20s with a
married man, actor Kenneth
Branagh. Branagh divorced wife
emma thompson after he and
Helena fell for each other on the
set of the film Mary shelley’s
Frankenstein in 1994, but the
romance was fraught and compli-
cated, and came to an end in 1999.
emma thompson, who married
actor greg Wise in 2003, said that
she had drawn on the heartbreak
of the situation when playing the
famous scene in Love actually
where she discovers her husband
has cheated on her.
she said: ‘that scene where my
character is standing by the bed
crying is so well known because it’s
something everyone’s been
through. i had my heart very badly

broken by Ken. so i knew what it
was like to find the necklace that
wasn’t meant for me.’
in another interview she said she
had made peace with Helena. she
said: ‘You can’t hold on to any-
thing like that. it’s pointless. i
haven’t got the energy for it.
Helena and i made our peace years
and years ago.’
in 1953, Peter townsend
divorced his first wife and asked
Princess Margaret, then only 22, to
marry him. she accepted — but the
Queen asked her to wait a year
so that she could complete a
post-coronation tour of the
For two years, the scandal
dragged on with Prime Minister
Winston churchill arguing that
Margaret should be removed from
the line of succession.
a proposal was produced to this
effect which would have allowed
her to keep her royal title, duties
and civil list allowance.
But shortly afterwards, in Octo-
ber 1955, Margaret — who died in
2002, aged 71 — issued a statement
which ran: ‘i would like it to be
known that i have decided not to

marry group captain Peter
townsend. i have been aware that,
subject to my renouncing my rights
of succession, it might have been
possible for me to contract a civil
marriage. But mindful of the

church’s teachings that christian
marriage is indissoluble, and con-
scious of my duty to the common-
wealth, i have resolved to put these
considerations before others.
‘i have reached this decision

entirely alone,
and in doing so
i have been
strengthened by the
unfailing support
and devotion of group
captain townsend.’


tHe Princess scandalised the
world by taking handsome
landscape gardener roddy
Llewellyn, 17 years her junior, as a
lover in the mid-seventies.
the Princess was introduced to
roddy in 1973 on Mustique by
colin tennant. in 1976 a picture of
the pair in their swimsuits was
published and soon after she and
her husband Lord snowdon
acknowledged their marriage was
over. they were divorced in 1978.
Helena Bonham carter is dating
a Danish writer, rye Dag Holmboe,
who is 21 years younger than she is.
the two of them are thought to
have met at a mutual friend’s
wedding over the summer of
2018 and have been an item since
last October. this May they were


rincess Margaret is
surely the role Helena
Bonham carter was born to
play. and soon she will be on
screen as the Queen’s sister
in the crown.
Pictures released last week by netflix
show Helena, 53, looking fully at ease under a
replica tiara, opposite Oscar-winner Olivia
colman as the Queen.
Helena replaces Vanessa Kirby in the series,
which will cover events from 1964 to 1977, and be
screened from november.
What unites well-connected Bonham carter with
her royal doppelganger? superficially, there is so
much — a handspan waist, skin as pale as cream, and
eyes which radiate a dangerous mischief.
Party-loving Princess Margaret — for decades the
showbiz wing of the House of Windsor — was just
5ft 1in, and Bonham carter is a mere half inch taller
(she sighs over her short legs in interviews).
Both developed a quirky personal style which is
sometimes celebrated and sometimes derided. they
share a love of hats, gloves, dark glasses and diamonds
— and big hair. More significantly, both have suffered
a succession of failed love affairs, and bitter



Young lovers: Margaret with Roddy, left, and Helena with Rye

It’s a wrap: Furry stoles and flowery hats, right

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Margaret was an inter-
nationally celebrated beauty
as a young woman, and wore
a fantastic cream christian
Dior gown for her 21st
birthday. she loved Dior’s
new Look with nipped in
waists and full skirts and
was a Dior client almost
until the end of her life.
Her 21st birthday dress is
on loan to the V&a for their
Dior exhibition. there was a
previous exhibition at the
V&a in 2007 where modern
British designers such
as Vivienne Westwood
presented contemporary

fashion inspired by Princess
Margaret’s style.
Westwood is the designer
most favoured by Helena for
her red carpet looks. Off
duty, however, she favours
eclectic, often floral layers
which, like Margaret’s
kaftans and turbans, aren’t
everyone’s cup of tea.
she’s even been seen wear-
ing bloomers to the gym.
asked what designer she
was planning to wear to the
Oscars, Bonham carter said
that she hadn’t yet decided
but promised, jokingly: ‘it’s
going to be catastrophic.’
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