Daily Mail - 19.08.2019

(lily) #1

Page 62 ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE^ Daily Mail, Monday, August 19, 2019

YOU’VE probably seen the value
of your home increase over time,
and you may be able to use
some of this equity to release a
cash sum.
You might not look on your home
as part of your financial planning
but if its value has gone up, you
may have been saving for your
future without realising it.
If you’re over 55 and you own a
home worth at least £75,000, you
may be able to unlock some of
your equity and turn it into tax-
free cash with a lifetime mortgage.
It’s not suitable for everybody
as it depends on your personal
circumstances. Releasing equity
from your home may affect your
tax position and any entitlement
to welfare benefits.
Also, you may have savings,
and it could make sense to use
these first. But if you’re eligible,
it’s a way to access money tied

up in your home, without having
to move. There are no monthly
repayments. The loan and interest
are repaid usually from the sale of
the house when you die or go into
long-term care, subject to terms
and conditions.
Interest will be added each year.
This increases the amount you
owe, although you have the option
to make limited repayments after
you’ve had the loan for a year.
A lifetime mortgage will reduce
the amount of inheritance you
can leave. But an inheritance
protection guarantee lets you
safeguard a percentage of the
value of your home to leave to
your loved ones, although this will
reduce the amount that you are
able to borrow.
So, how could you use the
money? Well, perhaps you need
to make home improvements
or adaptations to your home,

Picture: AVIVA


LEADING health
supplement company
has announced it is
giving away limited packs
of its flagship turmeric product to
new customers.
The Cambridge-based company
is so confident people will notice the
difference between its supplement
and others, that it is offering customers
their first month’s supply for free. CEO

YOU’VE probably seen the value up in your home, without having

Has your home been saving?


Adam Cleevely explains the offer: ‘We’re
very happy to give people their first
pack for free. It sounds bonkers but it
really isn’t.
‘We know that many people will have
already tried various supplements with
no success and they will be reticent to
give another one a try. I can’t think of a
single better way to convince people than
by allowing them to try ours for free.
‘If people like it, they will stick with it.’

This was certainly the case for Roz
Palmer (pictured). She had always liked
visiting the gym and taking long walks,
including walking holidays with her
sons. But when Roz started to feel achy
and too worn out to do the things she
enjoyed, she took action.
‘My mum had heard about the turmeric
supplement. I thought the chances of
it being this good were low, so I’ve
been terribly impressed,’ says Roz.


LEADING health Adam Cleevely explains the offer: ‘We’re

This was certainly the case for Roz
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Feeling worn out?

Then try turmeric

meaning you can stay put even if
health and mobility become more
of an issue.
Maybe you could help your
children towards getting on the
property ladder, help to fund your
grandchildren’s education, or use
it for special treats, such as a nice
holiday or a new car.
So you might find you can hang on
to all those good memories tied up
in your home and make some more
for the future.

‘Keeping active is key and it helps
me do that.’
Ex-naval serviceman David Mullins
was similarly sceptical. At a party he
happened to mention his concerns
to his friend Colin, who suggested
the supplement.
‘The only reason I started was
because my wife said I should,
since my friend Colin had gone to all
the trouble of bringing them round
for me.’
After two weeks of taking the
turmeric tablets daily, David started
taking longer walks. Ever sceptical,
David attributed the change to his
body’s natural ability to repair itself.

After his monthly supply ran out he
decided not to order more.
‘A couple of weeks later my walking
range became less, and I thought:
“I wonder if it was those tablets?”
I ordered a further supply and the
rest is history. I feel I’ve really got
something here that’s helping me,’
says David. ‘It’s great.’
Dressage enthusiast Lady Anne
Evans agrees. ‘It was the research
at the Olympic Research Centre
in Barcelona that really caught
my eye. Knowing it was used
by international footballers and elite
athletes made me think it must be
able to do something for me.’
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