Gore-Tex breath-
able waterproof
membrane first
used in hiking boots
migrates to work
boots, keeping our
feet drier in the wet.
Work boots are in
their infancy. Greeks
make ones from
terra cotta. Romans
pound hobnails
through sandal soles
for traction.
Philadelphia cobbler
William Young pop-
ularizes separate
boots made for left
and right feet.
The Golden Years.
Charles Goodyear,
Jr. invents the Good-
year Welt to attach
boot upper to sole.
Red Wing popular-
izes the steel toe.
Italian mountaineer
Vitale Bramani
invents the Vibram
sole made of grippy,
lugged rubber.
NCE UPON A time,
there was a boy (me)
who was blessed, as
had been genera-
tions of his family,
with both the desire
and the strong back
to excel at digging
holes and carrying bags of cement
and mixing mortar and felling
trees and the like, and he was
always happiest when he was bust-
ing his ass, a situation wherein joy
meets ability and opportunity and
thus should have been a simple
path to bliss but was complicated
because the boy had also been
cursed with a weird second toe, a
Morton’s toe, sometimes called a
Viking toe, a condition impacting
roughly 20 percent of the world’s
population, wherein the second
toe is longer than the big toe.
This condition aff licted the
boy throughout his life and caused
him much misery, because not a
single work boot available at his
local Farm and Barn Store made
accommodation for a second toe
being longer than a big one.
Work boots, the boy came to
understand, had been invented
with the idea that a big toe pressed
into the shoe’s toe box and held the
The AdTec work
boots that finally
saved the boy’s
sorry second toe.
The Steel
To e B o o t
Lets You
Your Ass
Busting Up
Your Feet
foot firmly in place and distrib-
uted the body’s weight properly.
This meant that the boy’s sec-
ond toe would have to step up, as
it were, and bear the responsibil-
ity of keeping the foot from sliding
forward in the shoe. Second toes
have never been the right men
for that job. So when the boy frol-
icked all day in the woods or on a
job site, that toe would mash into
shoe’s toe box and turn the toenail
black or bruise it so badly it bled.
This all made him very sad.
Now, this boy’s mind was not so
caught up in the rigor and reward
of physical labor that a work-
A Brief,
of the
Work Boot
900 B.C. 1812 1869–1930s 1937 1982–TODAY
// B Y M I K E M A G N U S O N //
82 September 2019