New Conway Stewart pen to celebrate Sir Winston Churchill
T: +44 (0)333 006 4646
’I have always earnt my living by my pen’
Limited Edition Churchill Heritage pen “ALL WILL BE WELL”
“An exceptional, beautiful
and superbly balanced pen”
John Hand, UK
Enquire about the full range including:
Conway Stewart, Stratford and Henry Simpole pens
Also available in Vermeil silver
in hallmarked Sterling Silver
The Shakespeare Pen
Pens Ltd
email: [email protected] web: T: +44 (0)333 006 4646
’For everyone who loves the art of fine writing’
4104 BBP WES A4 Ad.indd 1 11/01/2017 15:
New Conway Stewart pen to celebrate Sir Winston Churchill
T: +44(0)333 006 4646
’I have always earnt my living by mypen’
Limited Edition Churchill Heritage pen “ALL WILL BE WELL”