45 louisianacookin.com
Q: Your restaurant is four years old this year. What’s
been the best part about reaching this milestone?
It’s defi nitely a milestone because there’s no resource
to tell you exactly how to do all of this. We’ve seen and
embraced that business side of running a restaurant. But
now, I fi nally feel like we can really take off. It’s good to
feel established.
Q: What’s your approach to coming up with
something new or making changes?
With that, there’s this whole thing about deconstructing
the dishes. You have to show respect to the tradition and
the history of the dish and those techniques behind the
dishes. So, whenever I’m cooking, I’m constantly looking
at it from that perspective. Th ere are also a lot of wines
and foods that just naturally pair together because those
things are from the same geographical place. When
we’re doing a course for a dinner that we’re pairing with
a wine, we’re looking at the history behind the wine and
the food and the region they come from. Th en we build
the menu around that with quality and integrity.
Q: What do you enjoy most about being a chef?
I’m in a special position to be able to own my business.
I get to enjoy this bigger picture but also do the dirty
work and the pretty work at the same time. Th ere’s
nothing I love more than butchering a bunch of fi llets,
making sure they look good, and sending them out. But
interacting with people is also important and rewarding
to me. Going out into the dining room and seeing people
having a good time—that’s a wonderful experience.
andrew green
1910 Restaurant & Wine Bar
In2015,LakeCharlesnative Andrew Green
opened 1910 Restaurant& Wine Bar, specializing
inartfullycrafted,classicLouisiana dishes. As a certifi ed
LevelOnesommelier,Andrewalso focuses on growing
1910’sextensivewineprogram,and he recently began
developinga sizablewhiskeycollection for enthusiasts.
Namedfortheyeara greatfiredestroyed much of
downtownLakeCharles, 1910 is fi ttingly situated in the
PhoenixBuilding—asuresignthis city is continually on
Q:Wheredidyourloveforthe culinary arts begin?
WhenI waslittle,mygrandmother had a stool that was
justtherightheightformetosit [in front of the stove]
andstirtheonions.Thatis mymost profound early
memoryofcooking.Butmyculinary discovery really
startedwhileI waslivinginNew Orleans. I tried veal
sweetbreads,theendorphinskicked in, and I went home
togoogleeverythingaboutthem. It was a transformative
experience.I wasstudyingprelaw and got an image
ofpracticinglawfora fewyears and then opening a
restaurantandbecominga chef. My dad talked me out
Q:Whydidyouopenyourrestaurant in Lake
LakeCharlesis a strongcommunity of individuals.
It’sa funtimetobea partofthis community. When I
camebackhere,wedidn’treally have much on par with
restaurantsI lovedinNewOrleans, so I wanted to be
1910 Restaurant & Wine Bar
949 Ryan St.
Lake Charles