Chat It’s Fate – September 2019

(Michael S) #1
This month Yasmin used Colette Baron-
Reid’s Good Tarot deck, and her own
Moonology oracle cards (both Hay House).
To be in the running to win a signed Moonology
deck, visit

it’s fateit’s fate

Astrology and^ Tarot expert

This month

Images: Alamy

On the cards

Yasmin Boland



Every month, I draw a card
for all of the four astrological
elements. Think of it as advice
for you from the heavens.




Yasmin Boland is an award-winning astrologer and

moonologer. She uses the divine wisdom of the moon and the

cards to guide us through the month!

FIRE(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).
Adjustments are required. There’s
a lot of negativity and you need to
let go of this. Whatever situation
you’re asking about now, be
honest about whether there are
toxic emotions involved which you
need to release into the ether. This
card also comes with the promise
that all is not lost!

WATER(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
Surrender to the Divine. Life is
coming to a head or a turning
point. There may be some kind
of change, and possibly even
some sort of emotional explosion.
Matters will soon conclude and
you’ll fi nd out whether or not your
wishes are going to come true. The
odds are in your favour.

AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).
What do you need to release? The
Waning Moon points to what’s
falling away. Life goes in cycles
and sometimes we need to let go.
No matter when in the Moon cycle
you pull this card, it’s a sign that a
situation has peaked, and it’s time
for you to move on. It’s the autumn
and winter of the cycle. So, what
do you need to release?

EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
You and your loved ones are safe.
There’s a new start coming in your
private life. Positive change is
afoot. This could be to do with a
member of your family, a fl atmate,
or perhaps even moving house. If
you’re hoping to move forwards in
your private life, this card comes
to you as a message that you can
do it.


hanks to the the annual New
Moon in Libra, this is the month
to have a good think about your
most important relationships.
How well are they working for
you now? Could any of them use
some extra attention and TLC? The
night of the New Moon in Libra
is the ideal time to write down
your dreams and wishes for any
relationship. State your desires
and intentions!
Libra is charming, diplomatic
and loves harmony. More than
anything, though, Libra is about
you and me – partnerships and
relationships. So, this month, let’s
ask a relationship question...

This month, ask your most
pressing question about a
relationship, whether it’s to do
with family, a friend, a romantic
interest or a work relationship.
Close or ‘blur’ your eyes and use
your index fi nger to choose card 1,
2 or 3.

Card 1:
Getting this card doesn’t make
you a fool! Rather it’s a suggestion
that you go along with the
relationship you’re enquiring about
and see where it leads you. It
comes with the affi rmation: ‘When
this card appears, I can take a risk
and trust that anything is possible!’
The interpretation of this card in
this particular deck
is a little diff erent
to traditional tarot,
so go with it. Take
a risk and believe
that anything is
possible. The
you’re asking
about can lead to

Card 2:
If the
you’re asking

This month’s
Full Moon in Pisces -
14 September 2019
New Moon in Libra -
29 September 2019

about isn’t going along as well or as
speedily as you would like it to, this
card is a reminder to be patient. Sure,
the delays can be frustrating and
perhaps you feel as though you’re
getting nowhere fast. However, this
card reminds you that everything
happens for a reason – even delays!
The message is: ‘Time to let go of
attachment to how you thought
things had to be. Surrender and wait
and see how things play out.’

Card 3:
If a relationship is ending,
your challenge is to accept that
sometimes, that’s just what happens.
Your message is: ‘Nothing remains
the same and you need to accept
that life evolves through cycles of
birth, death and rebirth. Now is a
time of transformation as things are
changing from one form to another.
Allow this to happen
for the highest
good of everyone
involved. Let
go of the old to
welcome in
the new.’



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