Chat It’s Fate – September 2019

(Michael S) #1
it’s fateit’s fate

Magical expert


he hippo is Taweret’s
power animal, and the
easiest way to tap into
her magic. Find an image
of a hippo, and position it
somewhere that you’ll see
it every day, for example
pinned to your fridge, on
a noticeboard, or as your
screen saver. Every time
you see the picture, imagine
drawing in the animal’s
power as you inhale. Say,
out loud or in your head,
‘Taweret, I call on your
protection. With your
fearsome might, please aid
me in my plight.’

Images: Alamy

Make it!
Fry one chopped shallot
in 25ml of white wine
vinegar, drizzle over a
handful of salad leaves.
Serve with chopped new
potatoes, a sprinkling
of sea salt and some
chopped parsley as
a hearty warm salad,
which will protect your
home and family from
harmful influences.


inegar is great for sloshing
on fi sh and chips, but it
has other, more magical uses.
In hoodoo folk magic, it’s used
to banish enemies and can be
added to bath water to clear
negative energy. Ruled by
Mars, it has strong protective
energy. Add to food when
you’re feeling vulnerable
or under the weather.




nown as the ‘Lady of
Magical Protection’ and
also ‘the Great One’, Taweret
is the Egyptian goddess
associated with fertility,
childbirth and the home. With
the head of a hippo, the
limbs of a lion and the
tail of a crocodile,
she’s a formidable
force and not one
to stand down
when faced with
danger. A fi erce
mother fi gure,
Taweret can help
when you’re feeling
overwhelmed and



Dear Kirsten


elp! I’m nervous about meeting my new
boyfriends’ parents! Is there anything
you can suggest that will help me give a
great fi rst impression?
Anna, Oxford

Dear Anna
To build confi dence and help you feel more
relaxed, carry a piece of citrine in your pocket
for a few days before the meeting. This stone
known as the ‘cuddle quartz’ will boost your
self-esteem and fi ll your aura with positive
energy. Every time you think about meeting
your partner’s family, picture yourself relaxed
and happy. Hold the stone in your right hand
and say out loud or in your head, ‘All is well,
all is right.’ On the day of the meeting, keep
the stone in your pocket to soothe your nerves.



ords can give you the magical
edge, particularly if you say
them with eff ort and meaning. They
help to focus the mind and direct
energy when used in spells. To create
a magical phrase, just think about what
it is you want and write a sentence, then
pick out key words and put them in an
affi rmation, but remember to say this
as if you already have what you
desire. For example, ‘I will be
rich,’ becomes ‘I am rich.’
Repeat with feeling and
trust in the magic of the
words for swift results!

Kirsten Riddle



Witching hour

Magical expertKirsten Riddle’slatest books

I Am Unicorn and I Am Dragon are out now.




Your September

Practical magic

Goddess report
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