WWW.T3INDIA.COM MARCH 2019 T3 Tomorrow’s Technology Today 81
amsunghas come a longwaysince it launched the
T1 portableSSDyearsback.ThePortableSSDX5is
the latest offeringand while it’s not as compact as
itspredecessors, the Portable SSD X5promises
The X5looksreallystylishthatfeatures afull-metalbody
with glossydesign at the top and a non-slip mat at the boom.
AType-Cportandan LEDlightareplacedon theside. The
externaldrive can also withstandaccidentaldrops ofup to two
meters inheight. However, thedesigndoes not protect thedrive
from water.
The NVMe-basedX5 supports Thunderbolt3interface andis
notbackward-compatible, whichmeans you specificallyneeda
Thunderbolt3porttousethedrive. This poses an issue ifyou
wanttotransferdata fromaThunderbolt3toanon-
Thunderbolt-s upporteddevicebut thetrade-off here is insane
readandwrite speeds. Using CrystalDiskMarkwe got a readand
writespeeds of 2800MB/s and 2170MB/s respectively, close to
what Samsungpromises. Thedrive also supports AES 256-bit
hardware encryption.
The X5promises seriousperformance and it delivers on that
front withflying colours. This performancehowever,restrictsto
asingleinterface andahuge asking price that goes up to` 9 7, 999
for the 2TB variant.
The portable SSD delivers serious performance Good quality audio at an affordable price
THE LASTWORDIt’s pricey with a single interface support
but fast transfer speed is what you get withthe SSD X5.
THE LASTWORDPricedat`2,100, theBeatByrdmakes a
goodbuy for its audio quality
From27,999 (500GB); samsung.com/in
earphone market is a
crowdedspace with
some good products
that offer agood bangfor the buck.
Now Beyerdynamic, apremium
German audiobrandwants a piece
When it comes to design, Beat
Byrdhas a verysimpledesign. It
does not come witha metalbuild
that someotherbrands offerbut
has aplastic build that makes the
earphones lightweight and durable.
The earphones comes withthree
sizes ofeartipsandare one ofthe
most ergonomically-friendly
earphones in thisprice range.
Interestingly,the earphones don’t
have an in-line mic control,which
meansyou can’t use it as hands-
free foryour smartphone.
Byrddelivers goodqualityaudio.
Despite Beyerdynamic’s claim, the
bass is not overpoweringwithjust
andlows ofthetrack.However,
listeningathigher volume tends to
distort theaudio.
Beat Byrdis one of
Beyerdynamic’scheapest offerings
andwhiletheplasticdesign andno
in-line mic maybe its negative
points, it’sthesoundquality that
will keep usershappy.