Oi Vietnam – August 2019

(avery) #1


lessons is still very reasonable in
Vietnam, a basic introductory course is
three hours and this won’t get you up
standing up. Lessons start with learning
to steer the kite by flying it from the
beach, safety instructions for self-rescue
and body dragging through the water.
Most instructors say that students can
be standing up and doing the basics
with only five to nine hours worth of
instruction. Even better is the fact that
kitesurfing is not reserved for just the
super fit athletic types, anyone from the
age of 10 onwards can learn as the level
of difficulty depends on the water/wind
conditions and how crazy you want to
get when it comes to performing tricks.
You can go for big air and rough waves
or just a calm chill ride on flat water. It’s
all up to you to decide how you want to
grow into this sport.
Over the last few years, the popularity
of kitesurfing has rapidly picked up
speed in other parts of Vietnam as well,
such as the well developed coastal city
of Danang, the glitzy resort town of
Nha Trang and the latest chilled out
kitesurfing destination, Phan Rang, just
three hours north of Muine.
The polar opposite of the choppy
waters of Muine, Phan Rang has perfect
flat water in the My Hoa Lagoon in
addition to clean breaks, a spacious
sandy beach and crazy strong wind of
20+knots most days. A burgeoning
kitesurfing community has sprung up
there so if you want to get in on that
action before it becomes too crowded,
you best pack your bags soon.
When it comes to kitesurfing in
Vietnam, just like the sport itself, the
sky is (not) the limit! With its growing
popularity and new great windy spots
being ‘discovered’ or more like ‘disclosed’
by the local kitesurfing community to
the lucky travelers that venture here, this
isn’t just a figure of speech but rather a
matter of fact. 

still not top of mind for many kitesurfers
when asked if they would consider it
for a holiday. “Does it have good wind?
Variable conditions from waves to chop
to flat buttery water? A good vibe and
chill scene on the beach after I finish my
session in the water?” asks Lawler. “Then
yeah, I would definitely consider it for
my next kitesurfing getaway.”
If that’s all it takes, Vietnam can
more than deliver to the foreign tourist
and at an affordable price tag too
compared to its major kiteboarding
counterparts such as Spain, Portugal,
Zanzibar, Hawaii and the Dominican
Muine regularly has kiteable winds
all year round and boasts 20 to 25
days of good wind a month, making it
one of the best places to go kitesurfing
in Southeast Asia. It is packed with
kitesurfing schools and you often see
upwards of 150 kites in the water.
While that may seem a little

crowded, according to Binh
Nguyen a kitesurfing instructor
and owner of the popular Binh
Yen Homestay, there’s more than
enough space for everyone. Binh
feels there is so much more room
for the region to grow in terms of
tourism and that it has loads to
offer the visiting adventure sport
traveler, from cheap beers to big
thrills out on the water.
Binh is somewhat of a local
celebrity as he was amongst a team
of the first Vietnamese athletes
to participate in snowboarding
at the Asian Winter Games in
Sapporo in 2017. Whether he is
skateboarding, snowboarding or
kiteboarding, Binh feels that life is
better with a board strapped to his
feet. Thanks to his many years as a
martial arts student, he is known
as a patient and gentle instructor
who guarantees he will get you
standing up. It’s a claim you would
be hard pressed to doubt given the
fact that he competed in Olympic
snowboarding when he had never
even set foot on snow before. If he
says you can do it, then you can.
“Why should Muine only be for
experienced riders?” says Binh. “
I’m here to teach everybody, from
local kids to visiting tourists.”
With lovely beaches and warm
weather, choppy waves and no coral
reef to cause injuries and, most
importantly, great wind conditions,
a world class location like Muine is
for everyone, from first time riders
to lifelong enthusiasts for whom
kitesurfing is tantamount to a
Learning to kitesurf is no easy
feat though so be prepared to invest
some time and money at a good kite
school with certified instructors.
While the costs of kitesurfing

Binh Nguyen
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