aul O’Grady might need
to watch his back – it
turns out that there’s
another famous animal
lover who’s after his job!
Supervet Noel Fitzpatrick is
joining forces with presenters Steve
Jones and Kate Quilton to present
another week of live programmes
appealing for viewers to take in
abandoned animals.
In 2017, the team went to
Newcastle Dog & Cat Shelter, while
this time they’re based at Raystede
Centre for Animal Welfare in
Sussex and hope to send even more
pets to new homes, including birds,
guinea pigs, chickens and goats!
Here, Noel, 51, a surgeon
renowned for pioneering work in
veterinary science, tells TV Times
why it was important for him to
step away from his practice for
this worthwhile cause...
Do you hope the series will make
viewers see rescue animals in
a new light?
Everything is
so disposable
nowadays – we
want an instant
fix! But animals
are so much more
important than
that. We mustn’t
see these pets as
rejects – they’ve
just fallen on
hard times and
they need a home.
So-called ‘designer dogs’ seem
to get all the attention now...
There are so many fantastic
animals needing love in their life.
I ask people to please try and look
beyond the superficial. It’s natural
to try and look at aesthetics, but
you might find you fall in love with
a cat who just looks at you a certain
way or has a quirky personality.
What can you tell us about the
special rescue Staffie you met?
Cooper! He works
for Staffordshire
Police and he is one
of three Staffies on
the police force in
the UK. They call
him PD [Police
Dog] Cooper
and he sniffs out
firearms and drugs.
He has made his
dad an internet
sensation! He
calms things down with criminals,
too; they give the police a warmer
reception when Cooper is there.
Could you be tempted to take a
dog home with you after filming?
No, I just have one, my Norfolk
terrier, Keira, and because I can be
operating late at night sometimes,
she has her legs crossed for a long
time, waiting for Daddy to take her
for a pee! It’s joy to have an animal
in your life, but a big responsibility.
You’re very involved in orthopaedic
veterinary science – how do you
find time for your TV career?
I can’t fix all the animals in the
world, but I think my job is to
influence future generations.
I was up until 2.30am last night
writing a scientific paper. Will it
make a difference? I hope so. Who’ll
read it? Maybe 50 people. But how
many people might watch Animal
Rescue Live? Maybe millions.
I want to change perceptions. Five
years ago when we started Supervet
I had to insist to C 4 that people
were called ‘Mum and Dad’, not
owners. I felt very strongly that
animals were not given a fair deal,
and I hope to help change that.
Pet power: Noel
(centre) with hosts
Steve and Kate
‘There are so many
fantastic animals’
Animal Rescue Live:
Supervet Special
Supervet Noel Fitzpatrick is determined to find homes for more abandoned pets
We mu s t n’t
see them
as rejects –
they’ve just
fallen on hard