4.2the if-else statement 53
- †What will the following code print?
1 a = 10;
2 if a ~= 0
3 disp('a is not equal to zero')
4 end - †What will the following code print?
1 a = 10;
2 if a > 0
3 disp('a is positive')
4 else
5 disp('a is not positive')
6 end - †What will the following code print?
1 a = 5;
2 b = 3;
3 c = 2;
4 if a < b*c
5 disp('Hello world')
6 else
7 disp('Goodbye world')
8 end - †For what values of the variable will the following code printHello world?
1 if a >= 0 & a < 7
2 disp('Hello world')
3 else
4 disp('Goodbye world')
5 end - †For what values of the variable will the following code printHello world?
1 if a < 7 | a >= 3
2 disp('Hello world')
3 else
4 disp('Goodbye world')
5 end
†Questions from Morrell, D., Programming with M-files: If-Statement Drill Exercises , Connex-
ions, http://cnx.org/content/m13432/1.4/, [Last assessed: Nov 2011]