An interactive introduction to MATLAB

(Jeff_L) #1

82 additional exercises

whereMis the molar mass of the gas inkg/mol,R=8.31 J/mol K
is the gas constant,T is the temperature inK, andvis the molecules
speed inm/s. Make a 3dsurface plot ofP(v)as a function ofvand
T for 06 v 6 1000 m/sand 706 T 6 320 Kfor oxygen (molar mass
M=0.032 kg/mol).

  1. 3D plotting
    An RLC circuit with an alternating voltage source is shown in Figure 24.
    The source voltagevsis given byvs=vmsin(ωdt)whereωd=2πfdis

+ V

  • s = vmsin(wdt)




Figure 24: An RLC circuit with an alternating voltage source

whichfdis the driving frequency. The amplitude of the currentIin the
circuit is given by:

I=√ vm
R^2 +


ωdL−ω^1 dC

) 2 ,

whereRandCare the resistance of the resistor and the capacitance of
the capacitor, respectively. For the circuit in Figure 24C= 15 × 10 −^6 F,
L= 240 × 10 −^3 H, andvm=24 V.
a)Make a 3dsurface plot of the currentI(zaxis) as a function of
ωd(xaxis) for 606 f 6 110 Hz, and a function ofR(yaxis) for
106 R 6 40 Ω.
b) Rotate the plot into thex−zplane. Estimate the natural frequency
of the circuit (the frequency at whichIis maximum). Compare the
estimate with the calculated value of1/(2π

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