Military Illustrated Modeller – August 2019

(Ann) #1

 Military Illustrated Modeller - August 2019


The RM-70 multiple launch rocket system is

another of those Warsaw Pact warriors that will

not go quietly into the night, instead finding a new

role in the bush wars and civil strife throughout the

developing world. Zack Sex brings us a run-down

on this most interesting of MLRS variants


he year is 2007, it's a warm, balmy mid-
March morning on the island Sri Lanka. The
jungle canopy and morning sky is suddenly
blotted out as multiple fireballs and black, acrid
clouds of smoke erupt in Elephant Pass. The young
Tamil Tigers or LTTE fighters have little time to take
cover as Sri Lankan Army, Czech-supplied RM-70
MLRS blast open paths through their defensive
positions. T-55s, South African Buffels, Chinese APCs
,BMP-2s and BTR-80s pour through the gaps, while
overhead, Hinds and Kfirs deliver death from above.
Selvarasa Prabhakaran and his Tigers don't know
it yet but this is the beginning of the end; two years
from now, LTTE will have been annihilated along
WITH Prabhakaran and his entire leadership.
Around the globe in Angola, RM-70s of the
government MPLA forces blast similarly dedicated
and fanatical UNITA forces of Jonas Savimbi,
but it will take South African mercenaries in the

form of 'Executive Outcomes' to finish off their old
ally Savimbi and his rebels. In August 2008 in
South Ossetia, Georgian forces will abandon their
RM-70s, DANA SPGs, T-72s and Humvees having
foolishly poked the Russian bear in their ill-fated
blitzkrieg into this disputed territory.

Czech RM-70s, amongst other vehicles and small-
arms, carved out a niche throughout the developing
world for their sturdy design, and reliability in a
market where price is all-important. Indeed, cash-
strapped countries such as the DRC, Cambodia,
Nigeria, Rwanda, Ecuador and Zimbabwe lined
up to collect their secondhand RM-70s at bargain
basement prices while the North Koreans, no
strangers to domestic MLRS production smuggled a
bunch of RM-70 back to their 'People's Paradise' as
late as 2018.

It was a very different world when the RM-70
had been originally developed, back in 1970. For
one, the then unified Czechoslovakia was part of
the Soviet-imposed Warsaw Pact, communist party
ideology was the cornerstone of Moscow-imposed
order and Prague had only been recently rained
in by communist forces (see T-10M article in this
issue). But the Czechoslovakians had a history of
producing well made weapons as an independent
state and then under the Nazis when the German
Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS used hundreds of their
35(t) and 38(t) tank and SPGs.

After 1945 the Czechoslovakians were allowed
produce their own vehicles, some based on German
hardware and others on Soviet, license-produced
designs for themselves and fellow Pact members,
as well for hard currency export to friendly Arab

An impressive front view of the Czechoslovakian
RM-70 incorporating the Tatra T813, an armoured
cab unit and the famous Soviet BM-21 122mm
MLRS launcher unit. Of note are the punctured
Tatra tyres, an interesting touch for the fan of
battle damaged vehicle


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