Combat Aircraft – September 2019

(singke) #1
a unit in Richmond, New South Wales,
supported federal government scienti c
research. By 1977, all ARDU functions were
consolidated at Edinburgh where it resides
today, with satellite  ights stationed
around the country to support resident
RAAF units.
Over the years, the ARDU has been
organized under di erent branches of the
RAAF, re ecting evolving requirements
over time. With the conceptualization
of ‘Plan Jericho’ — the RAAF’s
transformation strategy to shape itself
as a  fth-generation force — a roadmap

was laid out to maximize the capabilities
of new and upcoming platforms,
including the F-35A, EA-18G Growler,
P-8A Poseidon and MQ-4C Triton. In
recognition of the key role it would play
in this signi cant transformation, the
ARDU became a subordinate squadron
of the Test and Evaluation Directorate
within the Air Warfare Centre (AWC) in
January 2016. Under this restructure,
army aviation elements within the unit
were disbanded and reformed within the
Australian Army, leaving the ARDU as a
wholly RAAF out t. // September 2019 71

70-75 Australian Flight test C.indd 71 18/07/2019 13:56

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