Combat Aircraft – September 2019

(singke) #1
also enabled the RAAF to rapidly establish
and support its latest capabilities.
Such an approach has allowed the
RAAF to do away with some speci c test
and evaluation functions, such as those
that require dedicated test-instrumented
aircraft. It means that test activities with
new F-35A Lightning IIs, EA-18G Growlers
and F/A-18F Super Hornets have not
required dedicated test assets in Australia.
In spite of this, the ARDU still remains
highly relevant. Apart from supporting the
RAAF’s technological transformation, the
unit has proven to be crucial when urgent
modi cations need to be evaluated
prior to deployments, for example.
Some of Australia’s platforms might
also be employed in unique operational
environments not experienced by
other operators. An in-house  ight-test
capability allows such data to be gathered
and fed back to the manufacturer for
better  eet support. In addition, the ARDU
presents an immediate means to collect
data on items that could be limited due to
manufacturer or state restrictions.

Test paradigm
The shift in requirements means that
the ARDU’s  nal pair of instrumented
aircraft — a single-seat F/A-18A and
twin-seat F/A-18B — were de-converted
and rejoined the combat  eet in 2016. The
ARDU is drawing down operations with
its Pilatus PC-9/As, three of which have
been primarily tasked with test support,
photo-chase and continuation training
for squadron pilots. The PC-9s are in the
process of being replaced by new PC-21s,
two of which are already in Australia in
preparation for operations with the unit.
The change in core activities for the
ARDU re ects a similar impact for
dedicated test squadrons around the
world. The ARDU commanding o cer,
Wg Cdr Daniel Rich, told Combat Aircraft:
‘While I don’t think you will ever see an

This image: An
fl ies in formation
with former
unit aircraft,
an F/A-18B
and a Douglas
DC-3, the latter
being owned by
the Historical
Society in New
South Wales.
of Australia
Inset: The
offi cer of the
ARDU, Wg Cdr
Daniel Rich.
Roy Choo // September 2019 73

70-75 Australian Flight test C.indd 73 18/07/2019 13:57

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