Northwest Sportsman – August 2019

(WallPaper) #1 | AUGUST 2019 Northwest Sportsman 119


By Douglas Boze


here is something magical
that happens to my soul when
it comes to bear hunting. The
allure is hard to describe to those who
have not experienced it. The sensation
seems to carry over regardless of
whether I pull the trigger (or release
the arrow) or someone else does. As
long as I am there, I have it.
If you have never experienced bear
hunting, well, let me fill you in a little
bit. There is a silent anticipation and
excitement that comes with trying
to spot one of these creatures. Once
spotted, there remains an almost
giddy joy at watching them focus
on whatever food source they are
devouring at the time, as their coat
glistens in the daylight. Watching

With expanded opportunities in one Northwest state, this year might be the one to
try your hand at bagging a bruin.

bears allows me to share for a brief
moment a part of their story of life
and get a glimpse of an animal that
deserves our respect and admiration.

amazing country in Western
Washington, where I live, and across
the rest of the Northwest. The fall
hunting season also occurs during
a time of year when berries are ripe
for the picking, the days are long, the
weather is generally too hot rather
than too cold, and adventure is
always right around the corner.
It’s also different from deer or elk
season. Bears can hunt you, though
they’re generally reclusive and shy,
and they’re not a pack or herd animal.
They can be found anywhere, from
the low foothills just outside of town

Fall bears are a secondary thought for many
big game hunters chasing deer and elk, but
for some like author Douglas Boze they’re a
passion that takes them to the highest heights
and widest appreciations for the bounty the
Northwest offers. (JAMES SYLVESTER)

Hunting Fall Bears

As it is with salmon and baitfish, if you can find
the forage, it’s pretty likely you’ll find bears.
This time of year it’s ripening berries, and a
bowl full of them in the high country led to the
discovery of a hungry bruin for Boze and his
brother John. (DOUGLAS BOZE)
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