If you own a PC you should probably be playing Total War.
It’s as simple as that; it doesn’t matter whether you’re a
history buff looking to take command of some truly epic
battles, or an inquisitive player eager to watch thousands
of little soldiers smash into thousands of other little soldiers
until your graphics card shatters into pieces. Total War is a
strategy series that offers something for everybody; that’s in
spite of how imposing or complicated it may at first seem.
That’s why we’ve put this together, everything you need to
know about Total War: Three Kingdoms.
Listen, we get it. This is a niche genre, one that requires
more investment than your typical action-adventure, FPS or
RPG. Maybe you caught a Let’s Play on Twitch and became
immeasurably terrified by the speed in which the game plays,
and the way in which some players can orchestrate complex
manoeuvres with thousands of troops under their command
in seconds. Perhaps you tried a Total War at a friend’s house
one time only to switch it off minutes later as they erupted
into fits of laughter, teasing you because you dared to pull
the difficulty down to easy – some wounds never heal.
And hey, maybe you watched a trailer and the scale of the
campaign map and the size of the armies scared the living
bejesus out of you. Look, everybody has their reasons for
approaching the genre with caution, but we’re here to tell
you that if you’ve ever had even a passing interest in Total
War that this is going to be the game to finally try it.
Three Kingdoms takes place in a fascinating period of
history; it’s a story bound by love and loss, driven by heroes
and villains, resulting in some of the bloodiest conflicts
known to humanity. Creative Assembly is leveraging all of
this to build its latest and the results are certainly impressive.
With a renewed focus on characters as a way of building
tension and a more immersive campaign experience,
we honestly believe that Three Kingdoms will be the
perfect refresher after the fantasy excursions of Total War:
Warhammer and spin-off sagas found in Britannia. This is a
Total War experience that’s going to surprise veteran players,
though it’s also going to be accessible enough that new
players will find entertainment.
That’s a difficult line to walk and that’s why we’ve had senior
game designer Leif Walter and writer Pete Stewart join us
after a recent hands-on session to help walk you through
everything you need to know about Total War: Three
Creative Assembly senior designer Leif
Walter and writer Pete Stewart walk you
through Total War: Three Kingdoms.
Josh West