42 |^15 AUGUST^2019 http://www.drum.co.za
Control in
your pocket
You can now manage your
fertility and monitor your
periods online thanks to
a crop of clever new apps
ILLS, condoms, intra-
uterine devices and... an
app? Late last year the US
Food and Drug Adminis-
tration (FDA) approved a
birth control app as a
method of preventing
unwanted pregnancy.
To be fair, Natural Cycles – which is
now officially allowed to market itself
as a form of contraception in the USA –
is more than just a run-of-the-mill app.
The birth control system requires a
basal thermometer with which users
have to measure their body temperature
and input the data into the app. Using
algorithms that track a woman’s body
temperature and cycle, the app is de-
signed to predict from the data when a
woman is least likely to become pregnant.
This method, known as fertility aware-
ness, isn’t foolproof (it’s 93% effective)
and does absolutely nothing to protect
against STDs, so the FDA move was con-
troversial among doctors.
Natural Cycles isn’t considered a con-
traceptive in South Africa, but there’s
certainly something to be said for tech
that can help you track your menstrual
cycle and understand your body a bit
The app and others like it are part of
the rise in the fast-growing “femtech”
sector – technology developed for
women’s health. The market will be
worth $50 billion (R711 billion) by 2025,
according to VentureBeat.
Whether you’re trying to figure out
when you’re most fertile or just keep
track of when to expect your next period,
there’s an app out there for you.
There’s a reason this simple app is one of
Google Play’s top-rated trackers. If it’s basic
tracking and cycle predictions you’re after,
Flo is a great start.
As with all period tracker apps, you start
by inputting the dates of your most recent
period and how long they usually last, and
the app churns out a generic cycle for you
to plan by. But as you keep tracking dates
and other data (such as your flow, mood
and PMS symptoms) the app gets smarter,
giving you more accurate predictions.
But the best part about Flo is the Insights
page. Using data you’ve put into the app, it
churns out inter-
esting info tailor-
made for you, in-
cluding bite-size
on every thing
from the size
of your breasts
The brainchild of US
hormone guru Alisa
Vitti, this takes track-
ing to the next level.
It’s less focused on
where you are in your
cycle in terms of fertili-
ty (although it does offer a fertility mode)
and more on the various phases of your cycle
and how you can work with them. For exam-
ple, in the follicular phase, which starts when
your period finishes, low hormone levels
mean an increase in concentration and it’s
an optimal time to be creative, apparently.
MyFlo also gives you advice on what food
and exercise is best for each phase of your
cycle, and tips related to what kind of data
you input – such as how to beat blemishes,
cravings and more.
The app can be a bit buggy at times, but all
the info packed into the app is fascinating.
Download for R27 from the Google Play and
This highly-rated app is for women trying to
conceive. Unlike the other apps, this tracks
ovulation rather than periods and gives you
a daily fertility score so you know when it’s
a great time to get busy.
You can also export all
the recorded data such
as periods and food onto
an Excel spreadsheet or
generate graphs on your
fertility window. You can
also customise the
colour scheme.
Free to download from
the Google Play and
Apple App stores.
Eve markets itself as the “Cosmo magazine of
period apps” – and you’ll quickly discover why.
Along with the standard tracking system, Eve
is full of quizzes, sex tips and tricks as well as
fun Cyclescopes, which offer daily horoscope-
style forecasts based on where you are in
your cycle. “Take advantage of your rising
levels of take-charge testosterone and get
your finances in order!”
Its cheeky approach
to tracking is also re-
freshing. Tick “Do me
now” if you’ve had a high
sex drive on a given day,
and rate your flow from
“light” to “crime scene”.
Free to download with
in-app purchases on the
Google Play and Apple
App stores.