Drum – 15 August 2019

(Barré) #1

56 |^15 AUGUST^2019 http://www.drum.co.za


ISE and shine,” Grace
said, as she put the mug
of coffee on the bedside
table beside her hus-
Grace had decided
she’d try the cheerful,
positive approach first.
If that didn’t work, well, she had other
methods up her sleeve. One thing was
certain, she wasn’t putting up with Em-
manuel’s nonsense for one more day!
Emmanuel opened one bleary eye
and peered over the top of the duvet.
“What’s going on?” He sounded con-
fused. “It’s much too early! It’s still the
middle of the night!”
Grace pulled back the curtains. Bright
sunshine flooded the bedroom.
“Come on, up you get! This is the first
day of the rest of your life!” There was a
hard edge to her voice now.
“Have a heart, Gracie!” Emmanuel
whined. “For 40 years, I’ve got up at the
crack of dawn. Monday to Friday. Isn’t
that enough? Can’t I just have a lie-in in
peace? Please.”

He pulled the duvet over his head. But
Grace had no intention of leaving Em-
manuel in peace. It had been two
months since he’d stopped working, and
she was sick of his retirement lifestyle.
He lay in bed until all hours, calling
constantly for another cup of coffee or
some toast or a lemon drink. Then he
spent the rest of the day following close
behind her while she did the house-
work, talking non-stop, getting in her
way, wanting her attention.
Or he sat slumped in his favourite
chair watching the sports channels that
blared from the television at full volume

  • soccer, rugby, cricket, golf. Even skate-
    boarding! What did he care about skate-
    boarding? This whole retirement thing
    was driving her around the bend.
    Grace had made up her mind. She
    wasn’t going to put up with her hubby’s
    lazing around and annoying her any
    longer. Enough was enough! It was time
    to put her foot down. She’d come to a
    decision and she was going to stick to it.
    “No, Mr Emmanuel Rebatho Matenge,”
    she spoke to the top of the duvet. “I’m

not letting you waste another day. If you
can’t find a way to spend your day doing
something worthwhile, then I’ll organ-
ise it for you. So here it is – I’ve written
down a list of chores that need doing.
“There are plenty of projects to keep
you busy. Have your coffee, get yourself
dressed and then you can get busy.”
Emmanuel’s face reappeared above
the duvet. Both eyes were wide open
now, in a little-boy look of horror. “List?
What do you mean by list?”
Grace produced a large piece of paper
from her pocket and slowly but pur-
posefully unfolded it. She’d sat up late
into the night before writing out this list.
It had needed a lot of careful thought.
“First, there’s the backyard shed. It
needs a good clean-out. There’s 20 years
of rubbish shoved away in there. I bet
strange creatures are living in the back
corners. And when you’ve finished that,
my old kitchen table needs a coat of
varnish – you’ve been promising to do
that for five years. That will keep you
busy until lunchtime, and then, after
lunch, I thought.. .”

Have a heart,


Emmanuel is settling into a lazy

life of retirement, but his wife has

other plans for him

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