Britain – September 2019

(nextflipdebug2) #1
n the new Downton Abbey  lm, veteran housekeeper
Mrs Hughes is unequivocal in brie ng staff: “I want
every surface in this house to gleam and sparkle,” she
tells them, and this, says Dr Mac Graham, historian
of Holkham Hall, is exactly the effect that the grand
Norfolk home is after today.
The parallels don’t stop there. While the staff of
Downton Abbey prepare for a royal visit, Holkham Hall,
seat of the Earls of Leicester, has hosted many a royal
guest, starting with a young Queen Victoria. Just 16 and
still a princess, Victoria visited as part of a tour, arranged
by her mother, of what would soon be her realm.
In the  lm, staff  nd their noses put out of joint by
members of the royal household who rather take over
things, and this is likely to be a true depiction. When
Victoria visited, she would have come with a full entourage

  • her mother, her ladies-in-waiting (who may well have
    been daughters of earls themselves), and her own servants,
    who would have slept near her on a specially designed
    mezzanine  oor. The royal chamber would have had two
    bells, one to summon the queen’s own servants, and
    another to summon a member of the household staff.
    By now, we’re all familiar with the terms ‘above stairs’
    and ‘below stairs’, but this implies that staff were very
    separate from the residents of the house and their guests.
    Intruth, staff often lived and worked much closer than
    that, scuttling up and down staircases hidden behind
    silk wallpaper and huge tapestries.
    On the new Hidden Passages and Servants’ Stairs
    tours of Holkham Hall, visitors can go behind the scenes
    tosee just how well this 18th-century property was
    designed to enable staff to get to the family and guests
    in the quickest possible time. One staircase acts as the
    main artery of Holkham Hall, with a labyrinth of corridors
    that run behind the rooms, making it easy for staff to
    scuttle around without being seen.
    Dr Graham, who has been instrumental in the curation
    PHOTOS:ofthese tours, says: “We are able to show how the


This image:
Holkham Hall’s
Old Kitchen
Below:The secret
staircase at the
heart of the house

This image:Holkham’s
magnificent exterior
Opposite: The Marble
Hall, with columns
chiefly constructed of
Staffordshire alabaster
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