reyoua candidate for 360 Degree Liposuction or for non-surgical fat
Thiswas the dilemma of host and fashion model Bianca Valerio. She had
beena size extra small all her life, but two years ago, her only brother, whom
shewasextremelyclose to, passed away and she went into depression. Bianca sought
consolation in food.She had gained 30 pounds and had gone from an extra small to a
large,allin a spanof one year. Working in the fashion industry requires her to model different
typesof clothing,butwhen the outfits and gowns started not to fit the way they used to, that’s
whensherealisedthatshe had to do something to get rid of that gained weight or there may
Thinkingabouthowliposuction was done before, undergoing surgery was not her first
choice. Non-surgicalwas the first route she took. She tried Exillis and Venus Freeze and while
shedidlosea fewinches, the results were not as dramatic and fast as she wanted them to be.
World-classsingerMorisette Amon and her Belo Liposuction Arms billboard in EDSA convinced
Biancato considerliposuction for her tummy. She decided to take the plunge and undergo the
Belo 360 DegreeLiposuction.
Beauty doctor to the stars Vicki Belo
introduces the 360 degree Liposuction
to help women achieve their ideal bodies
and feel more confident. Thanks to this
procedure, host and fashion model Bianca
Valerio has regained her original figure
and is now in tip-top shape
A Powerful
Bianca Valerio’s fi gure is in
perfect form; (inset) Dr Vicki Belo phOtOS COURtESY OF BELO MEdICaL GROUp