Philippine Tatler – August 2019

(vip2019) #1
romthe formidable Belem Tower
tothebeaches in Cascais and
Estoril;from ubiquitous baroque
interiors and blue and white tiles
tobreathtaking sites and some of
thefriendliest people on the planet,
dallofus enthralled. This Iberian
countrywasthedestination our “#50+goingto”
groupchoseforitsfourth annual trip.
Committedtotravel together at least once a
year,westarted off with Florence, then Venice,
andthenHong Kong.
Portugalwas a country we didn’t know much
about,soitwas natural that we asked many
peopleforadvice on what to do and where
togo,eat,and shop. Our research paid off: by
theendofthe trip, we all left with wonderful
memoriesofPortugal and a strong longing to
Onthistrip we welcomed three friends into
thefold:Karen Santos, Marissa Tambunting,
andPJPascual. We gorged on fresh seafood
andarroznegro; shopped for charming ceramic
plates;wentsightseeing in Sintra; stayed
overnightinPorto; and, most importantly,
madepriceless additions to our memories,
thataswithall our previous trips, are forever
etchedinour minds.

The Jeronimos Monastery
serves as a backdrop
to the group


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