Wired UK – September 2019

(lu) #1
Demis Hassabis – former child chess-prodigy, recipient
of a double first at the University of Cambridge, five
times World Mind Sports Olympiad champion, MIT and
Harvard alumnus, games designer, teenage entrepreneur,
and co-founder of the artificial intelligence startup
DeepMind – is dressed in a yellow helmet, a hi-viz
jacket and work boots. Raising his hand to shield his eyes, he
gazes across London from a rooftop in King’s Cross. The view is largely
uninterrupted in every direction across the capital, which is bathed
in spring sunshine. Hassabis crosses the paved roof and, having used
his phone to determine the direction, scans his eyes northwards to
see if he can see Finchley, where he spent his childhood. The suburb
is lost behind trees on Hampstead Heath, but he is able to make out
the incline leading to Highgate, where he now lives with his family.
He is here to inspect what will be the new
headquarters of DeepMind, the startup he founded
in 2010 with Shane Legg, a fellow researcher at
University College London, and childhood friend
Mustafa Suleyman. Currently the building is
a construction site, ringing with the relentless
percussion of hammering, drilling and grinding

  • there are 180 contractors on-site today and this
    number will rise to 500 at the peak of the build. Due
    to open in mid 2020, the site represents, literally
    and figuratively, a new beginning for the company.
    “Our first office was on Russell Square, a little
    ten-person office at the top of a townhouse next
    to the London Mathematical Society,” Hassabis
    recalls, “where Turing gave his famous lectures.”
    Alan Turing, the British pioneer of computing, is
    a totemic figure for Hassabis. “We’re building on
    the shoulders of giants,” Hassabis says, mentioning
    other pivotal figures – Leonardo da Vinci, John von
    Neumann – who have made dramatic breakthroughs.
    The location of the new headquarters – north of
    King’s Cross railway station in what has recently
    become known as the Knowledge Quarter – is telling.
    “We’re a research-heavy company,” Hassabis, 43,
    says. “We wanted to be near the university,” by which
    he means UCL – University College London – where
    he was awarded a PhD for his thesis, The Neural
    Processes Underpinning Episodic Memory. “That’s
    why we like being here, we’re near UCL, the British
    Library, the Turing Institute, not far from Imperial...”
    DeepMind was founded at a time when the
    majority of London startups submitted to the
    gravitational influence of Old Street. But Hassabis
    and his co-founders had a different vision, one
    that remains central to it’s future: to “solve
    intelligence” and develop AGI (artificial general
    intelligence) – AI that can be applied in multiple
    domains. Thus far, this has been pursued largely
    through building algorithms that are able to win
    games – Breakout, chess and Go. The next steps
    are to apply this to scientific endeavour in order
    to crack complex problems in chemistry, physics
    and biology using computer science.
    A few floors down, Hassabis inspects one of
    the areas that he’s most excited about, which will
    house a lecture theatre, studying blueprints and
    renderings of what the space will look like.
    Towards the north-east corner of the building
    he peers into a large void encompassing three
    floors, which will house the library. The space will
    eventually contain the feature that Hassabis seems

most eager to see in its fully realised form: a grand
staircase shaped like a double helix, which is in
the process of being manufactured in sections.
“I wanted to remind people of science and to make
it part of the building,” he says.
Hassabis and his co-founders are aware that
DeepMind is best known for its breakthroughs
in machine learning and deep learning that have
resulted in highly publicised events in which neural
networks combined with algorithms have mastered
computer games, beaten chess grandmasters and
caused Lee Sodol, the world champion of Go – widely
agreed to be the most complex game humans have
created – to declare: “From the beginning of the
game, there was not a moment in time when I
thought that I was winning.”
In the past, machines playing games against
humans demonstrated characteristics that made
the algorithm apparent: the style of play was
relentless and rigid. But in the Go challenge, the
DeepMind algorithm AlphaGo beat Sodol in a way
that appeared to have human characteristics.
One outlandish move – number 37 in game two

  • drew gasps from the live audience in Seoul and
    baffled millions watching online. The algorithm
    was playing with a freedom that, to human eyes,
    might be considered creative.
    For Hassabis, Suleyman and Legg, if the first nine
    years of DeepMind have been defined by proving its
    research into reinforcement learning – the idea of
    agent-based systems that are not only trying to make
    models of their world and recognise patterns (as deep
    learning does) but also actively making decisions and
    trying to reach goals – then the proof points offered
    by gameplay will define the next ten years: namely, to
    use data and machine learning to solve some of the
    hardest problems in science. According to Hassabis,
    the next steps for the company will be based on
    how deep learning can enable reinforcement
    learning to scale to real-world problems.
    “The problem with reinforcement was it was
    always working on toy problems, little grid
    worlds,” he says. “It was thought that maybe this
    can’t scale to messy, real-world problems – and

‘ The




ment was

it was



on toy


and maybe



Praveen Srinivasan, head of DeepMind for Google;
Drew Purves, creative lead, Worlds; and Raia Hadsell,
research scientist, in DeepMind’s unfinished HQ


09-19-FTDeepmind.indd 108 23/07/2019 10:59

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