Wired UK – September 2019

(lu) #1

DeepMind approach before the results were published. “Reading the
abstract, I didn’t think ‘Oh, this is completely new’,” he says. “I accepted
they would do well, but I wasn’t expecting them to do as well as they did.”
According to AlQuraishi, the approach was similar to that under-
taken by other labs, but what distinguished the DeepMind process
was that they were able to “execute better”. He points to the strength
of the DeepMind team on the engineering side.
“I think they can work better than academic groups, because
academic groups tend to be very secretive in this field,” AlQuraishi

says. “And so, even though the ideas DeepMind
had in their algorithm were already out there,
and people were trying them independently, no
one had brought it all together.”
AlQuraishi draws a parallel with the academic
community in machine learning, which has
undergone something of an exodus in recent years
to companies like Google Brain, DeepMind and
Facebook, where organisational structures are more
efficient, compensation packages are generous,
and there are computational resources that don’t
necessarily exist at universities.
“Machine learning computer science commu-
nities have experienced that over the last four or
five years,” he says. “Computational biology is just
now waking up to this new reality.”
This echoes the explanation given by the
founders of DeepMind when they sold to Google
in January 2014. The sheer scale of Google’s compu-
tational network would enable the company to
move research forward much more quickly than
if it had to scale organically, and the $500 million
cheque enabled the startup to hire world-class
talent. Hassabis describes a strategy of targeting
individuals who have been identified as a good fit
for specific research areas. “We’ve our roadmap
that informs what subject areas, sub-fields of
AI or neuroscience will be important,” he says.
“And then we go and find the world’s best person
who fits in culturally as well.”
“So far as a company like DeepMind can make a
dent, I think protein folding is a very good place to
start, because it’s a problem that’s very well defined,
there’s useable data, you can almost treat it like a
pure computer science problem,” AlQuraishi says.
“That’s probably not true in other areas of biology.
It’s a lot messier. So, I don’t necessarily think that
the success that DeepMind has had with protein
folding will translate automatically to other areas.”

“It’s a nice problem from a deep learning
perspective, because at enormous expense, enormous
complexity and enormous time [commitment],
people have generated this amazing resource of
proteins that we already understand,” Jumper says.
While progress is being made, scientists warn
against misplaced exuberance. The American
molecular biologist Cyrus Levinthal expressed the
complexity of the challenge in a bracing manner,
noting that it would take longer than the age of the
universe to enumerate all the possible configura-
tions of a typical protein before reaching the right 3D
structure. “The search space is huge,” says Rich Evans,
a research scientist at DeepMind. “It’s bigger than Go.”
Nevertheless, a milestone in the protein-folding
journey was reached in December 2018 at the CASP
(Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein
Structure Prediction) competition in Cancun,
Mexico – a biennial challenge that provides an
independent way of plotting researchers’ progress.
The aim for competing teams of scientists is to
predict the structure of proteins from sequences
of their amino acids for which the 3D shape is
known but not yet made public. Independent
assessors verify the predictions.
The protein-folding team at DeepMind entered
as a way of benchmarking AlphaFold, the algorithm
it had developed over the previous two years.
In the months leading up to the conference, the
organisers sent data sets to the team members
in King’s Cross, who sent back their predictions
with no sense of how they would fare. In total,
there were 90 protein structures to predict – some
were template-based targets, which use previously
solved proteins as guidance, others were modelled
from scratch. Shortly before the conference, they
received the results: AlphaFold was, on average,
more accurate than the other teams. And some
metrics put DeepMind significantly ahead of the
other teams: for protein sequences modelled from
scratch – 43 of the 90 – AlphaFold made 25 accurate
predictions. The winning margin was striking: its
nearest rival managed three.
Mohammed AlQuraishi, a fellow at the
Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology and the
Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical
School, attended the event, and learned about the

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