Wired UK – September 2019

(lu) #1










If you know that a well-known brand of smoke
alarm sounds identical to a rare parrot, you may be
a fan of Chris Mitchell, the chief executive of Audio
Analytic. His Cambridge-based company augments
consumer technology with sound recognition. Just
as speech recognition makes out spoken words,
Audio Analytic’s sound recognition technology can
tell the difference between the bark of a dog and
the cry of a baby. “It’s the equivalent of a language
model, but for sounds,” explains Mitchell.
AuditoryNET – Audio Analytic’s sound-
recognition AI – has extremely broad uses. The
company worked with the German earphone
manufacturer Bragi to produce AI earbuds that
prioritise a user’s safety by recognising, for
instance, an ambulance’s siren and alerting the
wearer to the direction of its approach. The idea
is to protect users from “all sorts of dangerous
situations you find yourself in, because you made
yourself completely deaf in a city”, says Mitchell.
Audio Analytic has, moreover, embedded
AuditoryNET in smart home devices such as the Hive
Home Hub 360, which can detect the sound of smoke
alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, barking
dogs, or windows being broken. AuditoryNET
also doesn’t need an internet connection to run –
good news for the privacy-minded.
To train AuditoryNET’s algorithm, Audio Analytic
used Alexandria, the world’s largest collection of
audio data. “One of the things we’ve done recently
is map out the entirety of our sound universe,” says
Mitchell. The company has created a sound map,
comprising over six million audio files. It looks like

a rainbow honeycomb: it visually repre-
sents similar sounds clustered together
in coloured blocks, or “tonal islands”.
Mitchell suggests turning down the
volume when he gets to the “smashing”
island. “This ‘break’ sound was from
a dining room,” he says. “[The glass
being broken] was in a laminate-wood
frame – and there are six other kinds of
‘break’ sound associated with it.”
Alexandria’s data pool of audio
samples had to be built from the ground
up. The stock sounds used in movies
were useless, as they aren’t true to their
real-world equivalents. “If you go and
see the latest Avengers movie, I’m sure
the Hulk will drop something on a car,”
says Mitchell. “That car alarm going off
is not a real car alarm.” Using the film’s
sound would train AI on a fake reality:
disastrous if you need to detect someone
breaking into a real car. So, the company
built its own lab to capture raw sounds,
and sent out teams to record others in a
variety of environments. The project even
relied on networks of volunteers to come
into the sound lab, or to use recorders to
capture sounds in the physical world.
Audio Analytic’s plans for the future
are confidential, but the company’s
objectives are clear: to continue to
develop technology that will identify
sounds inside and outside the home

  • and to meet the challenges of birds
    that sound like smoke alarms. “I doubt
    if evolution has conspired just to give me
    this problem,” reflects Mitchell. “But it
    is a problem that has to be addressed.”
    Will Bedingfield audioanalytic.com

Left: the howl of a dog is recorded for Audio Analytic’s
sound map. Below: capturing the crack of a gunshot


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