Wired UK – September 2019

(lu) #1



Sami Marttinen co-
founded Swappie in 2016
with Jiri Heinonen after
noticing people getting
defrauded on Finland’s
equivalent of Craigslist
when buying second-
hand smartphones.
Swappie refurbishes
iPhones to sell in
physical stores and an
online shop. Operating
in Finland, Sweden and
Italy, the startup sold
50,000 phones last year,
attracting €4.6 million
of funding in January
2019 to help them
expand into Denmark.

Swappie founders Sami
Marttinen and Jiri Heinonen


Since launching in 2016,
eco-startup Sulapac
has branched out from
making environmentally
friendly plastic-
alternative packaging
(high-fashion house
Chanel is an investor) to
its latest, a compostable
straw that’s made from
Sulapac’s biocomposite
material, formed from
wood and natural
binders. sulapac.com

Löyly, Hernesaarenranta 4, 00150 Helsingfors
Take in the amazing view over the Baltic as you relax on the outdoor wood terrace. There’s
also a cutting-edge restaurant and – yes – several saunas. loylyhelsinki.fi

09-19-SUstartup01.indd 59 09/07/2019 20:18

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