Wired UK – September 2019

(lu) #1

ers from the English rugby team Wasp RFC,
Juan de Jongh and Will Rowlands, managed
to train together although they were over
100 miles apart (de Jong was in London,
Rowlands at the Ricoh stadium in Coventry).
How? Thanks to 5G’s high speed and ultra-
low latency, when Rowlands tackled a
special haptic mannequin in the stadium,
his impetus was instantly transmitted to
London, and felt by de Jongh – wearing a
special haptic suit – in near real-time.
The feat – a UK first – showcased effec-
tively how 5G will be a gamechanger for
businesses, innovators and startups,
besides everyday internet users. Even-
tually, 5G will revolutionise the way users
connect to the internet – making heavy
downloads of films, games or large apps
essentially instantaneous. But its poten-
tial applications go far beyond even this.

Doing away with latency, for instance,
would finally bring Virtual Reality (for which
latency, or images lagging behind physical
movement, is a big problem, as it can trigger
feelings of seasickness in users) into the
mainstream. This could have a monumen-
tal impact not only on VR gaming and enter-
tainment experiences, but also on education
and training: for instance, healthcare pro-
fessionals and trainee surgeons could be
trained remotely by top doctors and teach-
ers, thanks to immersive VR technology.
5G is also going to usher in an explosion
in the Internet of Things industry, ena-
bling smart machines to communicate
with each other quickly and effectively.
Think about a smart home in which a cof-
fee machine can instantly detect whether
it is running low on espresso cartridges
and notify the owner, or even order more
from an online store. Or take Vodafone’s
partnership with winemaker Bodegas
Emilio Moro, in which a 5G network orches-
trates satellite data and climatic sensors
to create a “connected vineyard” to deliver
traditional wine more efficiently.

Entrepreneurs can experiment with 5G,
Internet of Things and high-speed fibre
internet connections in Vodafone’s DIH,
where network experts will also provide
guidance. Starting from July 10, the provider
is launching Business Unlimited – a three-
tiered series of packages offering unlim-
ited data and 5G at the same price as 4G

  • meaning businesses of all sizes can take
    full advantage of everything 5G has to offer.
    As part of the 5G launch, Vodafone will
    also extend its prized “Add Ons” – including
    a virtual landline proposition, a four-hour
    device replacement policy, PayPal Here,
    Device Support, Prime Contact and Busi-
    ness Support – for small office and home
    office businesses (SOHO businesses), and
    small and medium enterprise customers.
    Plus, an all-new digital marketplace ena-
    bling small businesses to pay for security
    and productivity apps via their monthly
    mobile bill, is now also in the pipeline.
    Vodafone’s 5G future will not only be
    faster, but gamechanging. To find out more
    about Vodafone’s unlimited 5G-ready plans,
    visit vodafone.co.uk/business/unlimited

MediaCityUK – home to Vodafone’s new Digital Innovation Hub

Left: Vodafone is helping businesses embrace
the 5G future and explore new tech, such as VR

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