Next New Zealand – September 2019

(Brent) #1
Above: Aloha from Hawaii! Katie, Mark and daughters Poppie and Lillie spent
10 days on the Big Island, their first stop as a full-time travelling family. Opposite,
top: A happy trio in Budapest, Hungary. Opposite, bottom: Pula Arena, Croatia.

Right: Poppie
meets a friendly
local in Marrakech.
Below: Hanging
out in the San Blas
Islands, Panama.

in London and down to Greece, the trip has pretty
much been smooth sailing. The day they set off,
however, was anything but – Mark crashed the car
on the way to the airport. “He backed into the
trailer down the driveway,” says Katie. “Looking
back, it was so funny!”

Lie marvels


ravelling on a budget has been another
challenge, especially in more expensive
destinations such as Paris. Accommodation
eats up most of the budget, with the family always
needing a kitchen for the children and ideally
two bedrooms.
With Poppie aged four and Lillie only one and a
half when they set off, both girls grew out of their
clothes quickly – and nding what they needed
wasn’t always as easy as Katie expected.
“I remember on one of the islands in Hawaii we
asked, ‘Excuse me, do you know where a dairy is to

buy nappies?’ No one knows what nappies are, or a
dairy, either – they think you’re nuts. Eventually we
realised, ‘Oh, diapers!’”
The family initially travelled with a little carry
cot that was light enough to hold handbag-style, so
Lillie had the same bed every night to give her a
bit of consistency. She learned to walk and talk
overseas, and her rst word was ‘gracias’. Although
Katie and Mark try hard to keep the kids’ routines
consistent, meltdowns are to be expected from
young children.
“They’d be having a tantrum or crying in the
cupboard and we’re like, ‘Oh my goodness, look at
this huge cathedral! Can’t you be grateful? Do you
know how much it cost to get here, or how much
time it’s taken?!’ But they are just too little to
appreciate it – they just want to go to the playground.”
Having dropped out of school 15 years ago and
worked ever since, Mark initially struggled without
the adult conversation he’d have had if he was
going to work every day. “Mark does love to work;



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