Next New Zealand – September 2019

(Brent) #1

Fashion guru Rachel Zoe once said, ‘Style is a way

to say who you are without having to speak,’ so we

asked Kiwi celebrities to flash back to some of their

favourite trend-setting times

Wendy, 1990



1 NEWS presenter
This typical touristy pose cuddling a koala
was taken on a trip to Australia in 1990. It
reminds me of an exciting new chapter in
my life. I was 19 years old and going
overseas for the  rst time without my
family. My friend and I went to Surfers
Paradise, where we spent the week hanging
out at the beaches, bars and touristy spots.
You’ll note my gorgeous bright pink bum
bag, blue polkadot top and high-waisted
white shorts. My hair is super curly, which
during the ’80s and ’90s was the cool look!
I’d often wear it up high with a scrunchie.
This Aussie trip was a great time and kicked
off my life from a teenager into adulthood.
I loved the independence, and a year later I
moved into a  at with four girls, which was
closer to the University of Auckland, where I
was studying.


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