Silicon Chip – July 2019

(Frankie) #1 Australia’s electronics magazine July 2019 21

tween 100 and 10,000 times less than
the emissions from the sole of a typi-
cal shoe.

  1. Voting error in Belgium: In 2003
    in Schaerbeek, Belgium, there was
    electronic voting for an election, and
    a single candidate obtained an extra
    4096 votes. The apparent error was
    only noticed because that was more
    votes than was possible.
    The error was blamed on a Single
    Event Upset (SEU) due to radiation,
    causing a bit flip (inversion of zero
    to one).
    To explain how this can happen,
    recall that binary code is represented
    as bits (zero or one) in positions for
    1, 2, 4, 8 etc.
    Position 13 of a binary number rep-
    resents a value of 4096. So if that bit
    flips from zero to one, for example,
    the binary number 0000000000000
    (zero) will become 1000000000000
    (decimal 4096).

  2. Qantas QF72: On 7th October
    2008, Qantas flight QF72 experienced
    two sudden, uncommanded pitch-
    down maneuvers at 37,000 feet alti-
    tude (11300m) which caused injuries

to passengers, crew and damage to
the aircraft. Investigators traced the
problem to one of three air data iner-
tial reference units, which sent incor-
rect data to the flight control systems.
The following causes were consid-
ered for the “upset” (as it is officially
described): software corruption, soft-
ware bug, hardware fault, physical en-
vironment, EMI from aircraft systems,
EMI from other onboard sources, EMI
from external sources and SEE (Single
Event Effect).
All were rated “unlikely” or “very
unlikely” to have occurred, except for
SEE due to radiation, which was rated
as “insufficient evidence to estimate
You can read the comprehensive
and fascinating report about the up-
set at:

  1. Voyager 2 bit flip: On 22nd
    April 2010, the spacecraft Voy-
    ager 2 (see SILICON CHIP, Decem-
    ber 2018;
    Article/11329) had a problem with
    the format of the scientific data being
    returned to Earth.
    On May 12th, engineers retrieved

a full memory dump from the Flight
Data System computer, which for-
mats the data to be returned to Earth.
They found a single bit of memory
had flipped to the opposite of what it
was meant to be.
They reproduced this in a computer
on the ground and determined it gave
the same data format problems as were
being seen from the spacecraft.
On May 19th, commands were sent
to the spacecraft to reset the affected
memory bit and on May 20th, engi-
neering data received from the space-
craft was normal again.

“Demonstration of the effects of ra-
diation on a commercial video camera”
“Watch A GoPro Travel Through Ex-
treme Radiation”
“Declassified U.S. Nuclear Test Film
#62” – from 1962, about the effects
of high altitude nuclear detonations:

Interesting Videos...

Designers of space applications need to reduce design cycles
and costs while scaling development across missions with dif-
ferent radiation requirements. To support this trend, Microchip
Technology Inc.has introduced the space industry’s first Arm-
based microcontrollers (MCUs) that combine the low-cost and
large ecosystem benefits of Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS)
technology with space-qualified versions that have scalable
levels of radiation performance.
Based on the automotive-qualified SAMV71, the SAM-
V71Q21RT radiation-tolerant and SAMRH71 radiation-hardened
MCUs implement the widely deployed Arm Cortex-M7 System
on Chip (SoC), enabling more integration, cost reduction and
higher performance in space systems.
The SAMV71Q21RT and SAMRH71 allow software devel-
opers to begin implementation with the SAMV71 COTS device
before moving to a space-grade component, significantly re-
ducing development time and cost. Both devices can use the
SAMV71’s full software development toolchain, as they share
the same ecosystem including software libraries, Board Sup-
port Package (BSP) and Operating System (OS) first level of

porting. Once preliminary developments are complete on
the COTS device, all software development can be easily
swapped out to a radiation-tolerant or radiation hardened
version in a high-reliability plastic package or space-grade
ceramic package.
The SAMV71Q21RT radiation-tolerant MCU reuses the
full COTS mask set and offers pinout compatibility, making
the transition from COTS to qualified space parts immediate.
While the SAMV71Q21RT’s radiation performance is
ideal for NewSpace applications such as Low Earth Orbit
(LEO) satellite constellations and robotics, the SAMRH71
offers the radiation performance suited for more critical
sub-systems like gyroscopes and star tracker equipment.
The SAMV71Q21RT radiation-tolerant device ensures
an accumulated TID of 30Krad (Si) with latch up immuni-
ty and is nondestructive against heavy ions. Both devices
are fully immune to Single-Event Latchup (SEL) up to 62
The SAMRH71 radiation-hardened MCU is designed spe-
cifically for deep space applications.

Atmel Range from

As this issue was going to press, the
following media release came across
our desks. We’re not sure how many
readers would be into space and
satellite applications but we
thought it interesting nevertheless!
Free download pdf