Silicon Chip – July 2019

(Frankie) #1 Australia’s electronics magazine July 2019 61


he ML005-V1.2 is the smallest
module, with a PCB measuring
32 x 32mm. You can purchase it from
AliExpress for around $3.25 (includ-
ing delivery):
The slightly bigger module has no
ID, but its PCB measures 50 x 50mm
and it is available from Banggood
for around $21 (including delivery):
The largest module, from KKmoon,
comes in an acrylic case, measuring
70 x 52 x 35mm overall. It is available
from suppliers like Banggood and eBay
for around $23 (including delivery):
Each of the modules are based on
different versions of the AD584 pre-
cision voltage reference device made
by Analog Devices (the datasheet can
be found at

aaoh). Let’s start by looking at how
this chip works.

The AD584 device
Analog Devices describe the AD584
as a “Pin Programmable Precision Volt-
age Reference”. It comes in a number
of versions, all of which are available
in an 8-lead hermetically sealed TO-99
metal package. The two lowest-preci-
sion versions are also available in an
8-lead plastic DIP. The metal package
versions have an “H” suffix, while
those in the plastic package carry the
“NZ” suffix.
All versions are made using laser
wafer trimming (LWT) to adjust the
output voltages and also their tem-
perature coefficients. Originally, five
versions were available: the AD584J,
AD584K and AD584L, all specified
for operation from 0-70°C; and the

AD584S and AD584T, which are speci-
fied for operation between -55°C and
However, the AD584LH version
was discontinued by Analog Devices
in 2012, so presumably, those used in
modules like the one described here
are either ‘new old stock’ (NOS) or
have been ‘recycled’ from used equip-
The basic specifications of the AD-
584JH, AD584KH and AD584LH are
summarised in Table 1; which can be
found at the end of the article. The
AD584JH version is the least accurate,
while the AD584LH is the most accu-
rate. But note that all three versions
have identical specifications when it
comes to noise output and long-term
A simplified version of the AD584’s
internal block diagram is shown in

Using Cheap Asian Electronic Modules by Jim Rowe

AD584 Precision

Voltage References

These three low-cost precision voltage
reference modules are based on the AD584
IC from Analog Devices, but each uses
a different version of it and have unique
designs. Two are ‘naked’ boards while the third
comes in a transparent laser-cut acrylic case.
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