Hi-Fi World – September 2019

(Barré) #1


10 HI-FI WORLD SEPTEMBER 2019 http://www.hi-fiworld.co.uk


treaming is where it’s at
with digital audio today.
Vinyl may be making a
comeback and sales of one
box record players are
remarkable – but if you
want to hear digital music at its best,
discs are no longer it.
The main barrier to uptake of
streaming is complexity – and that
you have to rip your CD collection
to a hard drive if you want to stream

it. So many are cutting out the
ownership element altogether: with
lossless streaming services such as
Qobuz and Tidal available – at a price

  • you don’t need to buy and store
    discs anymore, CDs or LPs.
    The Audiolab 6000N I am
    reviewing here is a wireless/wired
    streamer that lets you access various
    streaming services or music stored
    on a network drive at a low price
    few can match. The only alternatives

I could find were the Yamaha CD-
NT670D (£299), Denon DNP800NE
(£379) and Blueroom Node 2i
(£499); some might include the Sonos
Connect (£349) but not if sound
quality is a factor. After or arguably
before sound quality, the most
important thing about a streamer
is its control software – Sonos is
successful in the streaming market
through ease of use. Audiolab have
avoided the pitfalls and cost of



Audiolab's 6000N budget streamer makes discs obsolete says Jason Kennedy. Ouch!

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