45+ email content templates and the complete course to writing great emails

(lhb123) #1

What to Write in Your Emails


If you want to educate subscribers about your product or service in a way that
isn’t overly promotional, or if you want to first introduce your product or service
before going for the direct sale, this is the chapter for you.

Introducing a product or service and softly selling it is a common tactic among
inbound marketers, but it can be used for any business. Since email gives
you the opportunity to connect with subscribers over a long period of time,
educating them on your products can go a long way in helping them make the
decision to buy.

Depending on your goal for these emails, they can be set up as one-time
broadcasts or as part of an automated email campaign.

If you’re not sure how frequently to send these types of emails, the 4:1 ratio is a
good one to keep in mind. This means that for every 4 educational emails you
send, you can send 1 sales email.

Whether you sell a product or service, get quick access to the templates you need:

Check out the templates:
The ‘Product Benefits’
The ‘Service Benefits’


Product/Service Emails

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