Design Engineering – March-April 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1
March/April | 2019





DES_Sept_PivotPoint.indd 1 2018-07-06 1:31 PM

unfortunately confused matters by
describing a different kind of 3dExperi-
ence.Works. It consists of two programs:

  • Solidworks

  • Demliaworks ERP (enterprise resource

  • ... [The ellipses were in the slide shown
    the audience]

CADReport CADReport

Demliaworks is a new name for ERP
software that Dassault recently acquired
from IQMS. About 60 percent of IQMS’
1,000 customers already were using Solid-
works. It’s meant for mid-market man-
ufacturers to make lots of different
products, manage their inventory and
handle regulatory requirements; it runs

on the factory floor and in the accounting
“We want to make ERP and design
easy to use, deploy and exploit in your
companies; [Demliaworks] is going to do
for the world of ERP what we did with
Solidworks,” exclaimed Mr. Charles.

About xShape and xDesign
When you see names of Dassault software
that begin with ‘x’, you know they are for
Solidworks users. I think the ‘x’ is short
for “crossover.” In short, you open the
Solidworks model in one of these pro-
grams, do some modeling around it and
then bring the result back to Solidworks.
xShape is a new deformable sub-division
surface modeler that uses Dassault’s CGM
kernel and runs in a Web browser. It is
due to ship this summer.
xDesign is a solid modeler that also
uses Dassault’s CGM modeler in a Web
browser. It has been announced for sev-
eral years in a row and now its Web page
finally works, but the software itself
remains in beta. If you have a MySolid-

Running on the CGM kernel, Dassault’s browser-based xShape design app for Solidworks
performs deformable sub-division surface modeling.

DES_MARCHAPRIL2019_LAZ.indd 16 2019-04-10 1:56 PM
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