Forestry Journal – August 2019

(vip2019) #1


OVER a long career in the private forestry
sector, Finlay Mitchell, founder and
managing director of Woodland Management
Services (pictured), has seen at first hand the
changes which have taken place in the UK
forestry market in the last 40 years.
Established in 1986, Woodland
Management Services covers all aspects of
private forest management, from assessment
of land and crops for acquisition, to woodland
design, general management, grant aid
applications and a full timber marketing
service including crop measurement,
assessment and valuation.
Its success has been the result of
delivering a service which combines
excellent silvicultural and business advice
in association with responsible and

effective implementation of all operations
in accordance with clear management
proposals and budgets.
Finlay said: “These are very exciting
times for the UK forestry industry as the
importance of our woodlands becomes
a key focus on the public agenda and a
priority for government.
“The increasing recognition
of the environmental benefits of
woodlands is only one driver for
today’s unprecedented levels
of demand for UK forests,
with other key factors well
documented; rising demand
and strong prices for timber,
and a desire from some
investors for diversification and

Woodland Management

Services enters its

second rotation

effective inheritance tax planning.
“The overall increased availability of
planting land and strengthening timber
markets make forestry today an extremely
attractive marketplace.
“As I plan for retirement, I have decided
to offer Woodland Management Services for
sale. I am looking for balanced proposals
which not only reflect the value of the
business but also demonstrate passion
and enthusiasm for professional business
development, to provide the best specialist
support for clients and the UK forest industry.
“I want to encourage interest from many
backgrounds to find the best possible
successor. With a very strong order book,
this is an opportunity to galvanise the
current attractive market conditions
from a highly respected and well-
positioned platform”.
Woodland Management
Services has an extensive client
database and outstanding
knowledge of forest ownership
and private timber resources.
Its work is also supported
by a full forestry contracting
service, making this an
outstanding green investment
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