The Railway Magazine – August 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
TheWelsh Valleys arereverberating to thesound of Class 37s oncemore. No.37418worksone of twopeak-morning andevening
loco-hauled diagrams,the 17.01CardiffCentral-Rhymney, past Pontlottyn, on July 3.JAMIE SQUIBBS

RoyalClass 67
heads south
at Brock,
on June 28,
returning the
RoyalTrain to
Wolver ton,
having taken
HM TheQueen
to Scotland
earlier that

August2019 •TheRailway Magazine•111

Operations Track Record

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Yo urreports and
pictures aremostwelcome.
arepaid,especially if

ONTUESDAY,June 11 the 11.30
Euston-Glasgowbecame a
partial failurebefor ereaching
Warrington, but struggled on
to its destination, arriving 122
minutes late.Following trainswere
seriously delayed.
Thenextday theWCMLwas
closed north ofCarlisle because
of afallen tree inFloriston, south
of Lockerbie.Unfortunately,the
ECMLwasalso closed aftera
personwashit by atrain.
The09.06 Glasgow-Manchester
servicewas first affected, coming
to astand nearQuintinshill,
while the 09.40 Glasgow-Euston,
returnedto Glasgowfrom
Beatto ck and the 10.00 Glasgow-
Euston terminatedatCarstairs.

STOPPED LNER Mk4rake sare
with BN23 arrivingonJune 6;
BN25, June 8; BN24, June 29; and
BN29, July 13.

NO FEWER than eightClass 91
locomotives (andafurther eight
Class 43 HST powercars) were
noted inaperiod of 2½ hoursat
King’s Cross on June 12, in the
twilightofL NER Class 91s.

nowpassedforservic e, increasing
numbers ofreports have been
received .Currently,they are
employedonKing’s Crossto
Leeds and also Hull,although
No.800101 had not beenreported
in trafficby mid-July.Others
reportedontest included the
still-unliveried Class 800/2
No.800202 on June 7, withraised
pantograph, ona5Q73/09.36

Doncaster-Darlington and
5Q74/11.31 Darlington-Doncaster
test train. No.800203wasnoted
heading intoYork station from the
south on the afternoon of June 12.

CLASS 91 No.91122 failedat
AbbotsRipton, near Huntingdon,
whileworking the 09.45Leeds-
King’s Cross on June 18.
‘Thunderbird’Class 67 from
King’s Crosswascalle dtor escue
the stricken train, which eventually
result thereturn 12.33to Leeds
wascancelled.OnJune 22, the
1S05/07.00King’s Cross-Edinburgh
wasunusually propelledby Class
91 No.91118 on the southern end
of the train, with DVTNo. 82205
leading northwards.

from Romseyto Ca rdiff on June 5
observedanumber of Class 166
units.Among the trains notedwas
No.166214 on the 10.50 Romsey-
Portsmouth, delayedand arrived
10.59.The11.21 Romsey-Cardiff,
arrived 11.24,formed of unit
No.166221.AthirdClass 166
observedwas No.166218
at Ca rdiff on the 11.23 from

CLASS 143 No.143612was
working the 12.23 Exmouth-
Paignton along with Class 158
No.158766 on June 12, an unusual
combination in thatpartoft he
countr y.

rake of HST stock,formed of
taken south fromDoncaster
Wabtec to Lairabypower cars
Nos.43122+43153 on June 19.

CLASS 387 units earmarkedfor
Heathrow Express services saw
No.387135towed from Reading
to Ilford by Class 57 No.57305 on
June 21,followedonJuly 15by
No.57306 moving No.387133.

THE 17.42 leftPenzance
25 minutes late on June 26,
having been delayedinboundby
congestionat Castle Cary because
of the GlastonburyFestival.After
‘great running’, arri valatB ristol
TempleMeadswas on ti me.

CLASS 166 No.166208wastested
between Exeter and Barnstaple
overnightonJ une 27-28–running
as 5Z85 on theoutward journey
and5Z86 on thereturn journey.

THE LondonPaddingtonto
Reading and DidcotParkway
stopping serviceisn ow timedfor
EMUs, andisg enerallyworked

by the Class 387 units.However,
on June 27, Nos.165116+165117
wereon the 11.42London
Paddington-Reading,and the
12.48 from Reading-London
daythe 11.42wasworkedby
Nos.165104+165106, with
No.165116 being addedat
Readingforthe return at 12.48.

DVTNo. 82133wasmoved from
CrownPointtoC ardiffCanton by
Class 57 No.57003 on June 16.

DELIVERIES of new units saw
No.745102 movedfromDollands
Moor to Ripple Lane by Class 92
No.92036 and Class 66 No.66001
on June 19, wherethe Class 92
came off leaving the Class 66to
takethe unit throughto Crown
Thenextoperation, on June 27,
involved Nos.755404+755420+
755422 being movedby
Nos.92044 and 66001.
These werefollowedon
July 4with arrivalat Crown
Pointbehind No.66001 of

CLASS 317 No.317669was
towed fromIlford to Ely by
Class 66 No.66750 on June 22,
followedonJune 29, when itwas
joinedby No.317663, movedby

NEWunits arefindingtemporary
homesat KimberleyPark on the
Mid-Norfolk Railway until they
aretaken into traffic.Movements
from CrownPointsaw
Nos.755415/16 makethe short
journey on June 6; No.745004,
June 19; Nos.755404/20/22,
June 27; and No.745104, July 9.

FIFTY-eightyears separated
twotraction formsseen within
twohours at Grea tYarmouth
on June 12.At 16.17,aStadler

Class 755wasseen leaving on a
trainto Norwich viaAcle.Later,
at 18.12, Class 37 Nos.37425 and
37407 top-and-tailed the 17.36

THE departureoft he 19.00
powere dbyClass 90 No.90014
on June 26,wasdelayedbyeight
minutes because of operational
advised therewerenotoilets
available inStandardClass and
only one inFirstClass.Itw as
decidedto te rminate the trainat
Colchester,whereita rrived 17
minuteslaterthan scheduled.

CLASS 755 No.755413wasseen
at Colchesterat 13.30 on July 2
on atest runto Norwich Crown
Point. It leftwithin fiveminutes
of its arrivalat 13.35.

CLASS 320 No.320310
washauled from Glasgow
SpringburnWorks to Shields
TMDby Class 57 No.57312at
15.00 on June 16.It is expected
to be the last EMUto leave the
works beforeclosure.

IT WASreportedthataprop
shaftfromaScotRail Class 156
unit wasdropped from the unit
on the morning of June 19, and
struck signalling cables nearto
Shields Junction on the Glasgow
to Paisley line just after06.00.
Thelocationofthe incident
at Shields Junction,at thestart
of the morning peak,preve nted
trains from departing from
the depot,and caused major
disruptionto services operating
in Ayrshireand on the south
Glasgowsuburban network.
Network Rail staffatte nded
the incidentsiteand repairs
werecompletedby about 06.50.
At leas t60services had been
cancelledby 09.00.
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