The Railway Magazine – August 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1
Theheadlamp offormerChesterfield
Corporation tram No.7piercesthe gloom
while passing beneath theBowes-Lyon
Bridgeat CrichTramwayVillage on the
evening ofApril10.DAVEBOWLES

Hunslets meetat Pont Croesor on June 21 as visiting
WarDepar tment4-6-0T No.303 observesthe arrival
of original WHR 2-6-2TRussellduring the Ffestiniog
&Welsh HighlandRailways’Past,Present&Future

Awork-stained Class 37 No.37272 pausesat
Bodmin Road duringacrew change on July 9,
1983, having broughtachina claytrain down
fromBodminGeneral.STEVE IRELAND

Ashowcasefor thebestinrailwayphotography

August2019 •TheRailway Magazine•65

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