The Railway Magazine – August 2019

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August2019 •TheRailway Magazine•89

ScotRailremedial plan

deliveringonits promises

improvements demanded
by TransportScotland earlier
this year is delivering more
reliable and morepunctual
train services,according to the
ScotRail Alliance.
More trains arerunningto
time,with fewe rcancellations,
less‘skip-stopping’, andmore
seats onScotRail trains as new
trainscome into service.
Training of additional drivers
and conductors has been
completed in easternScotla nd,
leadingto areduction in
cancellations aroundEdinburgh
and inFife.
Of the 19commitments
madeby Abellio,11have been
delivered,including the lease
of three additionalInterCity
125‘classic’sets; anextraannual

£500,000 investmentfor a
fund; and therecruitmentof
forthe Class 385 fleet.
ScotRail is alsorecruitingextra
front-line staff,and looks set
to exceed thecommitmentof
hiring an additional 55 drivers
and 30conductors during 2019.
Theimprovements have
been boostedby thesuccessful
implementation of theMay
tim etable change and the
best period of performance for
punctualitysince September
Thelatest NationalRail
Passenger Surveyfound 85% of
ScotRail customers aresatisfied
–upfrom79% in January–and
the highest of the fivelargest
oper ators in the UK.

ScotRailroutes to and fromFife areamong those benefiting most
from the improvementplan demandedby TransportScotland
earlierthis year,with fewercancellationscausedby staff shortages
as newcrewsare recruited and trained.OnJune 18, No.68007
Valiantslows forits Ha ymarket stop with the 07.35Cardenden-
Edinbu rghWaverley.BEN JONES

THE ConwyValley Line in
NorthWales wasdue to
reopen throughout on July 24
six miles of trackwashed out
by astorm in March.
Llandudno Junctionto
LlanrwstNorth reopened
to passengers on July 18, in
connection with theWelsh
National Eisteddfod,while the
southern sectionto Blaenau
Ffestiniogwasrestoredto the
network six days later.
Sinc eMarch,engineering

teams have re moved
washed-out materials,
repla cedballast,refurbished
10 level crossings,designed
and installed orrepaired nine
flood culverts,constructed
embankments,and started
repairs to Dolgarrog station.
Thelatterremains closed
while the flood-damaged
platform is repaired.
As well as majorrestor ation
work,NRhas increased the
line speed throughMaenan,
on the section of the line

between Dolgarrog and
LlanrwstNorth, from 30mph
to 45mph.
Thespeedrestri ction had
beenin placesince aprevious
washout in the 1980s.
Localquarries supplied
9,500tonnes ofrock armour
and 3,000tonnes of ballast
to helprepair the formation,
with 91% of thewashout
material removedfromsite
being recycled, andabout
5,000tonnes oftopsoilreused
on si te.

Oneofseveral ne wculverts designedto preventfurtherwashouts on theConwyValleyLine in
NorthWales. Theextentoft he damageto theformation is clear.NETWORK RAIL

ConwyValleyreopens afterwashoutrepairs

SouthWales tram-train depotunderway

CLEARANCE work has started
on thesiteofTransportfor
Wales’new tram-train depot
at TaffsWell, nearCardiff.
The£100million facility
will house TfW’s integrated
cont rolCentr efor theSouth
Wales Metroaswell providing
the operationa lbasefor the
fleet of 36Stadle r‘CityLink’

hybrid tram-trains.
Thedepot isexpected
to be ready in timeforthe
arrival of the first tram-trains
in 2021 and should be fully
oper ationalby 2022.
TfW is investing £738mto
modernise theValley Lines
network,including the
replacementoft he entire

trainfleet, andelectrification
of more than100 miles of
railwaybetween Cardiff,
Treherbert, MerthyrTydfil,
Aberdare,Rhymney and
Thetram-trains will
also serve anew light-rail
extension beyond the current
CardiffBay terminus.

NR seekstraffic management

partnerfor East CoastMain Line

NETWORK Rail is seeking
atraffic management(TM)
partner to helpdeliver the
plannedfor th esouth endof
the EastCoast Main Line and
NR isworkingto develop
and deploy thefirst full
Euro peanTrain ControlSystem
(ECTS)in-cab signalling
upgrade in theUKfor amixed
userailway, with TM playing
an essentialroleini mproving
predictand preventconfl icts
and re-planningtimetablesto
reduce dela ys in theevent of
Thesystemwill be
designed and developed in
partners,reflectinganew way
of working forNR, and will
complementtwo prev ious
in 2018, whic hwillresult
in th reeexternalpartners
being appointed to assist the
transformation programme.
Thetwo othercontracts

covertrain cont roland railway
Thetraffic management
partner(TMP) will be
appointed viaaframework
contract over an initial
four-year term that may
be extended upto eight
years andisworth up to
Partsoft he ECML and the
HertfordLoop will be the first
to be equippedwithETCS
duri ng ControlPeriod6(CP6,
2019-24), taking advantage of
the simultaneous introduction
of new train fleetsand the
needto replacelife-expired
conventional si gnalling from
■NR has also announced
the awardof17route-based
deliver minor signallingworks
across thecountr y, worthan
estimated£215mover the
next five years.The contracts
coverthe deliveryofminor
signalling andrefurbishment
works, supporting Network
Rail’sworks deliveryteams.

Haveyougotastoryforus?Email: [email protected]

Cardiffelectrics pushed back to January

and testingwork in South Wales
means electric operation to
Cardiff will not nowstartuntil
TheDecember 2019 timetable
will seeatypical journey time

saving of 14 minutes between
Cardiff andLondonPaddington,
but the final 10-mile section
of 25kV equipmentbetween
Newportand theWelsh capital
will not beready in time,and
GWR Class 80x trains will

continue to run in diesel mode.
Electrificationto Cardiff –
already heavily delayed–will be
completedby November,with
testing andcommissioning due
to takeplaceoverthe Christmas
and NewYear holidays.

Theoverhead line portals arestill awaiting their wires as GreatWesternRailway nine-car IET
No.800319 arrivesat Card iffCentral withawestboundworkin gfromLondonPaddington on July 4.
IETswill continue to run in diesel mode between Newportand Card iffuntil January.JOHN STRETTON

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