Classic Dirt Bike – August 2019

(lu) #1


Don Morley –who didin-depthinterviewsfor
his classic off-road machines–the competition
departmentstendedto be toleratedrather than
promoted.Yes, theability to promote the brand that
winsin magazine adverts wasniceand it didgive
stand staff something to open conversations with at
the show but still...
In those daysthe annual motorcycle show in
the UKwasabig thing and bikeswould actually
be launched there with all the pompand grandeur
befitting suchalaunch. These days, thankstothe
internet, instant posting and theavailabilityof
cameras, bikes arerarel ysecret for long andranges
areoften viewedway beforeany show.
In fact, it could bearguedthe traditionaltype
of showhas long sincehad itsdayand apublic
usedtohaving its senses fulfilled will needmuch
morethanafew shiny bikes laid out inarow or
grouped together.Certainlythe motorcycle show
of the Sixties and thefirst oneIwas at in the
Seventies–Earls Court1975 –had some attemptto
While digging out photosofshows from our
archive onepopped up ofatrials demo in the show
hall. This earlyattempt to create movement and a
newaspectto showsinvolvedawagon batterywith
alarge starter motor to provide drive and built into
the rollin gchassis of whichevermanufacturerwas
promoting the display. Iseem torecallFiltrate Oils
beingaregularonthis, withBSA,Francis-Barnett
and maybeJames creating machines to be used not
just by tria ls stars suchasGordon Adsettpictured
on page 27. Showgoers could queue and payan
amount tocharity andhave agoonthe trials course
too. Givenbattery technology of the daythe demo
sectionwasn’talong one,unlike thequeuesof
peoplewanting ago. It wouldn’tbedifficult tosetup
aproper course these days and usethe electric bikes
whichare nowcompetingonalmostequal terms
with petrolmachines.
As the Seventieswore on and more and more
restrictive conditionswere put onowning and using
aroad motorcycle,thereseemedtobeasubtle shift
in ownership and enthusiasts. In the halcyondaysof
club membership whenamotorclubwould arrangea
trip to the show, and itwould be an eagerly-awaited
expedition, therewould be manymemberswho
would be involved in motorcycle sportwithoutever
competing. This shifted perspectiveuntil therewas
almostno crossover... almost.In partthis wastodo
with the competitionranges of bikes being totally
alientoroadriders andIrecallagood mate turning
up atmy placeonhis new400/4 Hondaaround the
same time I’djust gotmylatest trials bike.His fully
equi pped ohcfour cost less thanmy Spartan Bultaco
and atthattimeweboth headed for The Bike Show,
once in the hallswe split up,him to lust afterthe

DonMorley whodidindepthinterviewsfor

AUTUMN 2019 | 29

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